•𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒•

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This is the last chapter in this book.
No, I'm not ending the series here, it will continue in the next book I write, Infinity, which should be going up whenever I can.
I do plan on making this a series with at least 5 main installments based on the movies (Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, Far From Home, and the third movie coming out in 2023 if I can keep up with it for that long), and at least one Epilogue installment based off the video game(s).

I hope you guys enjoyed the book and this last chapter, and I will see you guys in the next book!

I guess after everything that happened I expected things to go semi normally. At least, more normally than they have been. I didn't realize that normality meant going back to how things were when I first showed up to the school.
Me and Peter stopped walking to school together. He didn't wait for me at the subway station anymore or wait by my locker. We walked to class sometimes but we always kept our distance. I saw a few of the glances he kept giving me at lunch and I'd return them, but my gut kept telling me that I should just push everything deep down until my life wasn't such a mess.

It was finally getting better to a point where every few mornings he'd wait by my locker. Then it escalated into all but two days maybe. Then it was everyday again. I could tell it was killing him to put everything on hold, and it was for sure killing me too. But we both silently agreed we needed time.
I was sitting with Ned one day during gym when the topic officially came up.
"Why'd you two break up anyway? Everything seemed fine." He leaned forward and laid his arms on his knees. I just let out a sigh while I stared at Peter on the floor below.
"I'm just-I'm not in a good place to be in a relationship right now Ned. Everything is so insanely crazy with school and my mom and my powers that I just can't right now."
"I don't even understand what you're saying."
"I don't want to spend all my time worrying and not spending time thinking about the relationship. I don't want to be a sucky girlfriend because my life gets in the way."
"I mean, I guess it makes sense." He leaned back against the bleachers. "You still like him though, right?"
"I told him we'd try again sometime. And I meant it."


The bell for English rang and I watched as Peter packed up his stuff, heading towards the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
"Hey, everything alright?" He gave me a concerned look.
"I just want to make sure we're alright. That I'm not making anything weird or something." I let out an awkward chuckle.
"I told you this already, it's alright. You said you needed time, and I get it. I think I need some time too, just to figure things out."
"I just...don't think I don't still having feelings for you, because I do. And I promise I'll get my shit together soon enough." He took my hand and lightly rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.
"Stop apologizing. I already told you, I get it, and I respect it. Now come on, we're gonna be late for history." I let out a chuckle and followed past as the two of us speed walked across the school and down the hall.


I felt immediate guilt when I saw Liz walking through the hall with her mom. It was technically my fault, really. I walked up to her as she looked at the decathlon picture.
"Hey, sorry to hear about you're dad." She turned her head to me and offered a weak smile.
"Thanks. It was...surprising, to say the least, but I think I'll be okay." She gave me the weakest smile she could muster.
"So, where are you guys going?"
"Michigan. It'll be weird but I'll get used to it." We both laughed.
"Well, uh, I've got a decathlon meeting to go to. Take care of yourself okay?" She nodded as I walked into the library for the meeting.

We went over basic stuff about nationals and the win and everything, and when the topic came up on who the next captain would be, I caught Peter's attention and motioned towards MJ next to me. He laughed while the two of us kept talking in what I guess could be considered some sort of secret code like. We each let out a small snicker and clapped when Mr.Harrison announced MJ was going to be the new captain.

I grabbed my phone off the table as it buzzed at the same time as Peter's, showing a message from an unknown number saying to meet behind the school. We exchanged a glance while I grabbed my backpack and stood up.
"Uh, I gotta go. My dad's getting back from his business trip and I need to help him unpack."
"I'll, uhm, walk you home." Peter grabbed his backpack and followed after me down the hallway. We walked in silence, occasionally sharing a confused glance before we walk out of the door. Standing a little ways away was a man I didn't really recognize, standing in front of a large black car. I looked over at Peter with a questioning look on my face and he just shrugged. The man was stone faced as we walked up.

"Boss wants to see you. Both of you." I scrunched my eyes up, not knowing who the 'boss' is or who this man even was. Peter seemed to know, however, so I just followed his lead.
"Where are we going?" Peter stood with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels nervously.
"Upstate." The man let out an annoyed sigh, his face still flat. "Now hurry up and get in the car so we can leave." The two of us climbed into the back of the car, staring out the window and exchanging glances as the car moved. About 30 minutes later, the silhouette of a large building came into view. On the side was a large Avengers logo, my mouth dropping to the ground in awe.

"Woah." Both me and Peter stared out the window as the car came to a stop. We got out of the car quickly and entered the building, all of the tech advancements and equipment making me feel like I was in absolute heaven. We got into a large elevator, the walls a spotless glass that let us see into the entirety of the building.
When we got to the top, Tony was standing with his hands in his pockets, presumably waiting for the two of us. He took off the glasses he was wearing and slipped them inside of his pocket, clasping his hands together with a small and almost cocky smile. The two of us walked over to him, myself completely distracted by everything else around me.

"Well, I have to admit, I did underestimate you kid. You really pulled this one off." He put a hand around Peter's shoulders and walked the two of us further down the hallway. "I mean, I have to give both of you credit. You and, uh,"
"Y/N." I interjected, looking at all the different tv screens and blueprints on the screen.
"Y/N, right. You both somehow managed to pull it out of the bag and successfully put away your first super villain." We stopped in a sitting area by a large door, a few screen on one side. "That's why, my offer still stands. I'd like you, both of you, to join me and my team as an official part of the Avengers." The wall in front of us opened to show two different suits. One was a replica of Peter's suit, except made of a shiny metal. Instead of the red and blue, it was red and gold, the light glinting off the different pieces.
The second was similar to mine and was made out of the same materials as Peter's, but had a cloth bandana and a hood. There was pair of goggles attached to the hood that were made out of the same metal, appearing to compress when the hood was down. The colors weren't red and gold but a shiny silver and grey, with accents of black and blue throughout. There was a bright blue lightening bolt on the chest as well. I was about to open my mouth to speak but Peter said something before I could.

"Mr.Stark, I appreciate the offer, but I think I'd rather just stay on the ground for now." We both looked at him with a mix of shock and surprise. "I think I should just stay a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for now. I can't speak for her though." He nodded his head to me and I smiled while I put my hands in my hoodie pockets.
"I won't go if he doesn't."
Tony's eyes just got wide with surprise while me and Peter stood next to each other.
"You're-You're serious?" We nodded while he looked at the two of us. "Uhm, okay then. I respect that decision from the both of you, I'll have Happy drive you both back home." Peter thanked him while we walked back down the hallway while the man (whom I presumed was Happy) talked to Tony.

"Why'd you do that?" I leaned my head towards him a bit as we walked.
"Someone has to look after the little guy." He put his fist up and I bumped mine against it, the two of us making our way to the elevator and back home.

After that, everything was normal.
Well, almost everything.

Story Will Continue In Book Two-Infinity.
Coming Soon

𝓈𝓊𝓃𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 | p.p. x reader | book one.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ