•𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒•

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I ran down the hallway and fixed my gloves while I ran towards the door. I breathed heavily while I continued to run, feet hitting the floor heavily. I burst through the door quickly, just in time to see Peter get flinged into a school bus. The man with the shock gauntlet moved too quick for me to get a shot in on him, every blast either hitting the ground or setting off a nearby car. When I finally hit him he turned around, barely fazed by the hit that only momentarily stunned the piece on his arm. He glared at me with anger in his eyes, walking away from Peter and towards me. I started firing blasts quickly at the man. My gloves shorted out and shot sparks everywhere, a few curses coming from my lips. The man got closer to me and I saw Peter scramble around looking for something.

I frantically scrambled around trying to get my gloves to work, but every time I tried more sparks flew everywhere. As the man was close enough to knock me to oblivion, a web shot at the man's wrist and yanked it backwards. Both me and Peter followed the trail, Ned standing there with a shocked look in his eyes. I snapped back into the fight and punched the man across the jaw, bringing my knee up to connect with his abdomen. He double over in pain as I kicked him in face. I heard the sound of his nose breaking and watched as his body fell unconscious against the pavement, breathing heavily.

"That was awesome." I let out a small chuckle before the blip showed up on my screen again, moving further away from the school.
"Peter, he's on the move. We gotta go." Peter ran his hand over his mask and paced back and forth quickly. "Okay, Ned, stay here and navigate in case we get lost." Ned simply nodded and ran back inside. Peter turned to me and held out his arm. I sighed as I walked over to him.
"I'm still mad at you yah know." I wrapped my arms around his torso and held tightly, hearing Peter's muffled chuckle under the mask. He held out his hand and we zipped away, landing in the parking lot. My eyes focused on a car sitting right outside the school.

"Dude, look." I nodded towards the convertible, untouched and unguarded.
"We are not stealing Flash's car."
"It's not stealing, it's just...borrowing for an extended period of time." I placed my hand on the hood and zapped it quickly, the engine starting with ease. "Come on, Parker. Live a little." He sighed as he got into the passenger seat, my foot pressing against the pedal. "Alright, hold on tight." I floored it as far as it would go, weaving in and out of the busy New York traffic. I tried to keep track of the car, but lost the signal.

"Shit, my signals down. Ned, you got any visual?"
"Yep, I've got eyes. Turn left at the next intersection." I sped up and made a quick turn, Peter gripping to the handle of the door. I just let out a laugh.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." His grip was so tight it started to bend the handle on the door.
"Relax, I know what I'm doing. Kinda." I made another sharp turn and weaved between a bus and a car, hearing a small girlish yelp from Peter. I struggled to hold in a laugh.
"Okay, the signal stopped. It's at a warehouse about 10 blocks away." I picked up speed and turned down a back street, keeping my eye out for any warehouses. "On your right, on your right!" I pressed my foot against the brake and turned the car, pulling up into the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse that loomed above us.
"Why do super villains have the dirtiest and creepiest lairs? For once I'd like to fight someone in a 5 star hotel with a jacuzzi tub and room service." Peter looked at me with a grave look on his face, even through his mask. "Sorry." The two of us ran inside, maneuvering through hallways until we hit a spot of open air. Standing at the end was Vulture, messing with something on a table.

"It's over! We've caught you." Peter's voice echoed through the room.
"I will have to say, you guys do have an amazing sense of determination. I'll give you that much." He turned around and Peter shot a web at his wrists while he let out a sigh. "You know, I was hoping you kids wouldn't meddle. I didn't want to have to hurt you. But I guess Y/N's just like her big brother." I froze and my eyes widened.
"How do you know about my brother?" My teeth clenched while my hands sparked green electricity, lighting up the room.
"Apparently the kids in your family love to get all up in my business. Mr.Investigative Journalist decided he should invade my privacy for some pictures for his piece. Unfortunately, he picked the wrong group of criminals to stick his nose in."
"You killed my brother." My hands shook while I tried not to end him then and there.
"I myself didn't kill him. It's a wonder what you can do with so many connections." A few tears fell from my eyes while all I wanted to do was scream and beat the man to a pulp. The whirring sounds of an engine echoed behind us, Peter grabbing me and pulling me out of the way just in time. I leaned off the wall to avoid another swing around, grabbing onto a beam on the rafters. I flipped over the wingsuit and landed on my feet on the ground.
"I didn't wanna have to do this. You shoulda just stayed outta my way." Before I could even register what had happened, the entire ceiling caved in on me. I felt something hard hit my head and my vision went black.


When I finally came to, I coughed to get rid of all the dust in my lungs. I heard Peter frantically screaming out for help, the faint outline of him off in the distance.
"Y/N! Y/N where are you?"
"I'm over here!" I tried to speak but my words came out breathy. I looked down at my lower half and almost fainted.
There was a large piece of concrete pressed against my legs, rendering me unable to move and sending a stabbing pain through my left leg. A small but equally as heavy piece was rest just above my stomach and chest, held away from my body by one, small, thin, rusty piece of rebar. I could feel the concrete slowly sinking down against me as I struggled to breath. "Peter, I can't move! My legs are trapped and there's concrete on my chest!"
"Hold on, I'm going to try to get to you!" I heard Peter struggled to remove the piece of concrete he was trapped under, desperately trying to get free. The sounds of the bending rebar alerted me that, in a matter of seconds, I could be completely crushed under the concrete. I was barely able to breathe at this point, taking in oxygen with rushed gasps.
"Peter, hurry! It's getting harder to breathe!" The words barely even came out as I continued to watch him struggle. There was the sound of rock knocking together and concrete moving as my vision grew blurry, my consciousness slowly fading. As I was about to slip away the concrete was lifted off of me and my body was yanked away. I felt myself get carried away through the air as the rock collapsed to the ground. When I finally came to I looked up to see Peter face, bruised and scratched, looking at me nervously.
"Nice save, Spider-Boy." He just rolled his eyes while I let out a cough.
"Come on. We've got to warn Happy."

Yes, it's short. Yes, it's unedited. Yes, I'm and tired and yes, I really need sleep.

𝓈𝓊𝓃𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 | p.p. x reader | book one.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin