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Me and Peter walked into school the next morning surrounded by news about the decathlon and the rescue. People came up to me and asked me what it was like to be saved by Spider-Man, if I knew Spider-Man, if I was scared. It was just generally an overall mess. Peter had a cocky smirk on his face constantly.

"Don't get all cocky now. It wasn't that cool." I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, I saved your life!"
"And I saved your ass back in that bank, remember?" I looked at him as he pretended to contemplate.
"Oh, yeah. I guess we'll just consider it even then." We both laughed and kept walking down the stairs to the lower level of the school. Ned came running over to us.
"Dude you're famo-" Ned stopped after he started talking, realizing he just almost gave away Peter's 'secret' with me standing there.
"Ned, it's fine. She knows."
"Oh, okay. Anyway, what's it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?"
"It's...interesting." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"Do you think we should tell everyone?" Me and Peter simultaneously yelled no. If everyone found out he was Spider-Man, it was only a matter of time before they realized I was Spark, too.
"It's too dangerous, Ned. We can't tell anyone about this."
"Peter come on, we're gonna be late for class." I started pulling Peter down the hallway towards the classroom.
"I'm not going to class."
"What? Peter you're already in so much trouble for the whole ditching the decathlon thing and we have a quiz today-"
"Okay, okay look. I figured it out! The guy with the wings is obviously stealing tech from that Damage Control place to build his weapons so all I have to do is stop him. Come with me and help me stop him!" He grabbed both my hands and started pulling me towards the door.
"Pete, I can't. Look, he's going to keep stealing things whether or not you go today or tomorrow. I think school is a little more important than a guy with some metal wings." Peters face dropped. I let out a sigh and looked around. "Look, I won't go with you, but if this is as important to you as it seems to be, go. I'll...I'll meet up with you later and we can figure this out together." I gave him a weak smile and he smiled back. He unexpectedly placed a small peck against my lips and ran off towards the door, stopped by the principal immediately. I let out a laugh as he walked behind him defeatedly. Ned and Flash both stood in the hallway staring at me with dropped jaws, even myself blushing slightly.

"Close your mouth Flash. Don't want the last of your brain cells to get out."
"But-you just-he-Parker And-you two-wha-"
"Aaaand there they go." I walked away clutching my books against my chest. I blushed and put my head down with a smile.

The day went by pretty fast. I didn't see Peter in any of my morning classes, so I assumed he either skipped like he said he would or got chewed out by the principal. I knew it was the latter when he walked into lunch with his head down.

"Where were you all morning?"
"The principals office. I have detention after school." He sat down with a huff and a defeated sigh. I looked around and leaned over the table.
"Look, I would tell you to just leave the guy with the wings alone but since I know you won't, I'll be waiting outside after school. But if you get me in trouble, I'm gonna kill you." He smiled as I sat back.
"Thanks for having my back."
"Yeah, well, one of these days having your back is going to get me into some serious trouble."

The bell for lunch rang and I went to my next few classes of the day, going over boring notes and boring homework. I grabbed my stuff and waited outside as promised, making sure to text my mom I'd be home later because I was studying. I watched as everyone left in their cars or walked home, so I decided to hop up onto the roof to look less suspicious. I climbed onto the lower part of it, dangling my feet off. I saw Peter come through the front.
"So, where to Spider-Boy?" He looked up at me with a frustrated look on his face.
"Don't call me that."
"What would you rather me call you? Spider-Kid? Arachnid Boy? Insect guy?" I laughed as I hopped down and Peter's face contorted in irritation at my names. "I'm gonna go with Arachnid boy. I like that one." Peter finally let out a chuckle. "But, seriously, where to?" He held out his arm and motioned for me to come closer.
"Hop on."
"Are you sure nobody is going to see us swinging through the air?"
"I'll take the back way."
"We could just take the subway."
"But that's no fun, is it?" I let out a sigh and gripped onto his torso, holding tight with both hands. He shot a web at a nearby building and zipped into the air, swinging through back alleyways and side streets. My stomach started to turn as I felt like I was going to throw up, thanking every god that Peter set me down when he did.
"God, I'm gonna have to get used to that." I leaned over and coughed for a minute before standing up. "Are we seriously just at your apartment?"
"Maybe." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Come on, this is important." We hopped down onto the fire escape right outside Peter's window, hopping into his room as he shut and locked the door.

"This isn't just an elaborate scheme to get me alone right?" Peter turned to me with a serious look and I set my backpack down. "Sorry." He pulled out his suit and grabbed the mask.
"Those guys on the bridge that night...I'm not sure who they were but I need to find out. I know there's something in my suit that'll help me but I don't know what."
"Here, gimme the mask." I turned the mask inside out, looking at the internal wiring of both his mask and mine. I looked at a few of the circuits, wires, and buttons until I found a small connection adapter inside of one of the larger components. It obviously needed a specialized cord, but with the right electrical charge, I was able to link up both Peter's mask and my goggles. I handed him back the mask.
"There. Now with a click of a button, whatever you see, I see." He looked at me in awe for a minute and then took the mask from me, slipping it on his head.

I put on my goggles as a heads up display showed up in front of my eyes, which was presumably what Peter was seeing.
"Uh, hey Karen?" I laughed at what he decided to name his AI.
"Yes Peter?"
"I need some help with those guys buying weapons on the bridge. I know there was a license plate but I can't remember all of it."
"I can run facial recognition from that night. I record everything you see."
"Yes. It's called the baby monitor protocol." I let out a quiet snicker.
"Of course it is." A list of recordings popped up on the screen in front of me. "Go to the recordings from Friday night." The first recording popped up on the display.

A video of Peter practicing what he was going to say at the party popped up, Peter quickly dismissing it and moving on to the next one. The next was a really terrible Thor impression with a meat tenderizer that made me let out a loud laugh and quickly cover my mouth.
"No no nonono move on to where the weapons dealers are." The recording skipped ahead quickly, the two men from the other night showing up on screen. The AI started to scan the faces, quickly identifying one as Aaron Davis. I pulled off the goggles after reading over the profile of the man.
"We got him."
This chapter is very bad and very rushed but I just closed my last night of a big show so I've been busy.

And this kid at my work (since I work at a summer camp for kids, basically) swears he's Spider-Man. He's the cutest kid I've ever met and he's my best friend now.

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