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The class eventually ended. Aleister was still biting down on his poor lip which looked quite swollen now whilst I grabbed my stuff, glancing over at the awkward mess of a boy with a smirk still plastered on my face.

We both exited the class room. I noticed the way he distanced himself from me but I could tell by his uneasy behavior that he wanted us to talk. I shook my head, approaching him whilst retrieving his note from my book.

"Here's your note" I said blankly handing the wrinkled piece of paper to him, he sighed in disappointment but took the paper anyway.

He turned to walk away, hesitantly pausing before turning back around to face me.

"D-do you forgive m-me?" He asked a bit shakily, beginning to abuse his lower lip again.

"Maybe" I teased before leisurely strolling past him.

"Ryder wait" I smiled and turned around to face him.

"Please" he whined childishly.

"No" I stated, a sly smirk forming on my face as his moulded into a tight but desperate pout.

"I'll do anything" he offered, pleadingly.

"Why so persistent anyway?" I quirked a brow, a curious expression creeping upon my face.

"I l-like you, you're my friend, most other people make fun of me but you, all you do is yell " he spoke softly staring shyly at the floor, trying to hide his now deep crimson face.

"So I really w-want you to forgive me" He finished, now staring up at me.

  Avoiding his eyes, I turned away and scratched the back of my head nervously.

"One condition" I signalled, raising my pointer finger at him and he nodded slightly.

"What?" He asked sounding a lot less shaky and uncertain.

"Skip the rest of the the day with me" he is never gonna say yes, not a chance, I thought.

"B-but I c-can't" he stuttered, shaking his head slightly.

"That's the only way" I said finally and walked away, flashing a satisfactory smirk as I headed for my locker.

"Wait! I'll do it!" He yelled out, maybe a little too loudly.

The entire hall turned to him, making a small blush of embarrassment blossom on his cheeks. While hiding his face with his hands, he rushed towards me.

"Ya sure?" I raised a brow and he nodded reluctantly, letting out a defeated sigh.

"Wow, didn't think you'd agree but whatever, let's go" I said and he bit his lip nervously.

I nudged my head towards the stairs before jogging over while he trailed closely behind me. We jogged down the flight of steps, finally reaching the ground floor. I motioned towards a hallway which I knew led to a back door.

"Aren't we informing any authority?" He asked as we made a detour for the door.

"And have them call our parents, no thanks, now come on" I instructed, pulling him by the wrist outside.

  We walked towards the parking lot and I smiled, sighting my car from afar.

"Wait, I have a ride too" he said with a slight pout before pointing over at the bicycle stand.

"The red one?" I asked peering over at the bikes.

"Behind it" oh he does not mean that. I stared, mortified at the pink princess bike.

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