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My beauty sleep was interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder, I let out a small involuntary moan as I stretched awake.

"Time to get ready for school" I heard him mutter before watching him walk into the bathroom through sleepy.

I yawned awake, getting up from the bed and stretching some more afterwards. I sighed, taking off my big shirt I usually use as PJs. I was left in only my Lacy panties as I walked towards my unpacked suitcase.

I was bent over trying to decide on what to wear. As I looked through the clothes, memories from yesterday when Ryder yelled at my mom came flooding in. I couldn't do a single thing, I sighed exhaustedly.

I took up a baby blue skirt and sighed, shoving it back in. I wasn't in the mood for any feminine clothes today, I shouldn't feel pretty when I couldn't even defend my own mom from Ryder.

As I looked through for some more masculine-ish clothes, I suddenly heard Ryder exclaim from behind me.

"Oh shit" with a squeak I turned and ran towards the bathroom with a tee, jeans and panties, boxers are a line I'd rather never cross.

"I'm sorry" the door shut quickly behind me.

Oh God, he saw me in a mortifying position. My cheeks were a crimson red, I was dying of embarrassment. I eventually tried my best to shrug off the feeling before getting in the shower.


"Are both of you feeling better?" My mom asked the moment we were all seated for breakfast, I mentally pouted as I noticed Ryder shrug rudely at her question.

"Ally?" She called for me and I looked up at her blankly.

"You didn't eat anything last night" she said making me shrug and Ryder gave me a look.

"I'm fine" I muttered, taking a small portion on my spoon and eating it.

"See" I motioned.


I arrived at school. As I walked towards the building, I noticed the lack of stares, I took a breath deeply. Looks like I finally gave in to society's gender assumptions on clothes. It's funny how no one seems to be string just because I'm putting on a tee snd jeans.

  I shook my head in mental disapproval as I stepped into the main school building. All of a sudden, I froze place. Standing right by my locker was  that guy Ryder had gotten in a fight.

  He didn't look like a threat at all today, rather, he seemed nervous. He was a bit jittery, periodically glancing left and right. He then leaned back, resting back on the lockers, kinda like he was waiting for someone. I cleared my throat, mustering all bits of courage and walking over.

"Um excuse me" he looked up at me abruptly.

"Hey" he said lowly, gluing his jittery hands to his sides.

"H-hi" I replied nervously, allowing my eyes to fix on the floor.

"Um I'm Jason" he said hesitantly, reaching out for a handshake.

"Aleister" I squeaked, staring down.

"It's okay, no need to be shy, I'm pretty sure, I'm the more nervous one here" he chuckled playfully, I shrugged before shaking his hand.

"Um sorry about that day with the fight, didn't mean to hurt you or anything" he said, scratching the back of his neck, smiling bashfully.

"It's okay" I mumbled anxiously, still staring down.

"Um my eyes are up here" I looked up shyly only to get flustered by his cocky smile.

"Sorry" I muttered, smiling softly.

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