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Please let me know if you spot any errors, punctuation, spelling, grammer, wrong pronouns.... anything at all

Flashbacks in italics


After Lord knows how long, my tired eyes slowly began to peel open. Groggily, I sat up, stretching out and wiping the sleepiness off my face. I then pulled my hand away from my face, taking a minute to glance around the room.

"Aleister?" I called out, my voice still husky from the sleep.

Seconds of silence passed and my door suddenly creaked open.

"Aleister?" I called out, hoping it was him but I was dissappointed to find that it was only my dad.

"He left, son" my dad informed lowly, entering uninvited and closing the door behind him. I sighed, he probably went to go see Jason.

"Um can we talk for a bit, Ryder?" He asked quietly, approaching me slowly.

"No just go" exhaustedly, I laid back down.

"Please" he urged quietly, now towering over me.

"Ugh" I groaned out of frustration, sitting back up.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, he ignored my attitude and took a seat on the edge.

"Ryder, when did mom leave?" My face contorted, failing to conceal my confusion.

"On the twenty forth of May, four years ago" I said as a matter of factly.

"Since then, have we ever even sat down to do something as little as watch a movie or game together?" I could sense the docility in the mild tone and it bothered me.

"What is up with you?" I asked as I leaned back against the headboard, a brow quirking at his question.

"Ryder, our relationship is shit and you and I know it" he said, his voice heavy with emotions.

"So? You never really cared so why now?" I asked, my arms crossing over each other against my chest, curious.

"I guess I just needed someone to slap the truth right in my face" he joked, chuckling humorlessly.

"So what is it you want now?" I sighed out, obviously bored at our conversation.

"Ryder, I want us to start over and get back to how we used to be" he said, his tone hopefull.

"Sorry but 'how we used to be' was flushed down the toilet from the moment you downed your first liquor after mom left, now get out of my room" I said, adjusting myself back under the sheets.

"Ryder I-" I cut him off.

"Now dad" I groaned.

Defeated, he sighed and slowly walked towards the door. With his back turned against me, I wondered. What could have pushed him into having this conversation with me.

My head throbbed at my ire. The hazel in my eyes flared fiercely with every step I heard him take, getting closer to the door. How dare he even think that I'd evev-

"Just remember Ryder-" he began again, cutting my thoughts short.

"-no matter how bad things are between us, you're still my son and I really do love you" he said, his lips pursing slightly at me before he eventually left.

He thinks he can come into my room and tell me shit like that. He thinks he can suddenly pop out of no where and receive the fucking father of the year award. Where was he when I was breaking down slowly, when the only thing I could turn to for comfort was a cigarette. Where was my dad? I let a single tear slip but I immediately wiped it away, irritated.

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