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Aleister's face was priceless, I thought, trying to hold in my laughter. He had headphones in while watching some of Billie's music videos on YouTube.

His face was contorted and twisted even more at certain points. I just sat next to him on his bed waiting for him to finish and enjoying the faces he was making.

"Here take 'em" he rushed to take off the head phones after the last video ended.

"How was the experience?" I grinned, setting the head phones on the bedside table.

"I like her voice n'all but the videos are creepy, most of the lyrics are weird and some parts of the videos were just gross" he said, twisting his face in distaste making me laugh.

"Well s'okay, she's my favourite singer though" I said and he gaped slightly at me.

"No wonder you're always cranky and depressed" he pouted, putting away his laptop.

"Am not" I defended.

"Are too" he whined, now flopping down on the bed next to me.

"I'm not arguing with you" I gave up and he smiled.

"I won" he snickered, making me playfully roll my eyes at him.

"Hey" he called out.


"You made me do something you liked, right?"

"Yeah so?"

"It's only fair if you do something I like" he finished, grinning humbly.

"And what, might I ask, do you want from me?" I asked and his grin widened.

"Just relax" he said creepily, I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off as he grabbed my wrist and tried pulling me up from the bed.

His scrawny arms would do no good so I got up myself while he pulled me towards his vanity.

"Sit" he pushed me back unto the seat.

"Why am I sitting here?"

"Makeover" he sang.

"Oh no no no" I protested, lunging up to my feet.

"Oh come on, why?" He asked with a pout.

"Because I don't want to" I said and he made a puppy dog face, jutting out his lower lip and batting his freakishly long lashes.

"Alright fine just don't ever make that face" he giggled while I sat back down exhaustedly.

"Oh thank you" he hugged me quickly.

"Now first" he put a fabric over the mirror.

"This will be a surprise" he said over excitedly.

"Oh maybe you'll let me do your nails" he giggled to himself.

"Don't push it" I warned.

"Fine" he said with a loud breath.


An eternity later, I was getting really annoyed with all him

"Don't move!" He'd warn.

"Don't scrunch" he'd warn.

"Do not move your brow" he'd warn.

He was really bossy and it made me want to stop him. I'd try to but then he'd beg so much I just couldn't refuse him.

"All done" he said before stepping back with a smug grin to check out his finished piece that is my face.

"Ta da!" he pulled away the curtain.

I stared at my reflection, gawking in unbelief. I looked....I don't even know the word.

"You look pretty" he squeaked happily.

"Would look a lot better with a wig though but whatever, do you like it" he shrugged as I shot him a glare the moment he said the word wig.

He had this please like it face and it was adorable but..

"Do you like Billie?" I asked and he bit down on his lip, slowly shaking his head.

"Well the makeup is fine, I like it-" I didn't even finished my sentence and he let out a squeak of joy.

"-that was deafening, anyway as I was saying, I like it but I'm never doing this again" I said and he pouted.

"Fine, but first, pictures" he ran to grab his phone.

"Ah ah ah, it's like making a sex tape, It will leak and I do have a reputation to uphold" I said grabbing the phone from him and tossing it on the bed.

"Just savour the moment with your eyes then wipe it off" I said sternly and he pouted but obeyed.


"Aw what a shame" he said, holding up the wipes.

"I'll miss you, this face, Ryder's made up face" he began fake crying and I grabbed the wipes and cleaned up my face.

"Noooooo" he faked cried more making me roll my eyes at him.

"Stop being dramatic" I said throwing away the wipes and standing up form the vanity and heading for the bed.

"We should sleep" he said and I stared down at him like he had panties on his head.

"What?" He asked.

"Um it's like eight thirty"


"We should probably sleep a bit later"

"Oh no my bed time is nine and I don't usually sleep until about thirty minutes after getting in bed"


"Okay fine what do you want us to do" I smirked.

"Let's binge eat while watching some horror movies" I suggested and he looked horrified.

"Please no, I don't think that's a good idea, I get scared easily" he said, clasping his hands together, pleading.

"Oh come on, don't be such a pussy" he smacked my thigh playfully.

"Don't say that word"

"Pussy" he smacked me harder.

I laughed out loud, going to get his laptop. I then surfed for some scary movies I like.

"There, we'll watch three" I said, showing him the playlist.

"Let's go down stairs and get the snacks" I said and he hesitantly followed.


"There's literally no junk food in this house" I said with a huff, a bit tired after searching through the fridge and cabinets.

"Yay so no movie let's go sleep" he said quickly and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go to the store" I said, he shook his head, avid.

"Fine" he said, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest childishly.

"I won't be long" I assured him, heading for the door.

"Lock the door" I instructed before closing the door behind me.

I looked down at my phone, checking the time, 8:46pm. It'll take five minutes to walk there, four minutes to shop and five more to get back.


I looked down at my phone again, 9:00, right on time. I knocked on the door holding the bag of snacks in my free hand.

Seconds later, a pouty Aleister came, opening the door for me.

"Don't pout, all I see is cuteness not anger" I laughed, locking the door behind me and watching an abashed blush blossom on his cheeks.

"Let's just get this over with" we both headed upstairs, to his room.

For some reason this took me alot of time to write...well whatever...

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