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  I paced about, nervously waiting for Ryder outside the nurse's office. Biting down on my nails would just seem barbaric considering the fact that I just got them done, so I resulted to nibbling on my glossed lip.

  The fight had broken out immediately the first punch was thrown. My nails raked Ryder's arms as I begged and tried pulling him off the other boy. The crowd was in a frenzied state as the word fight bounced off the thin walls of the hallway.

  It wasn't long till the commotion was interrupted by the Principal himself. The boys were basically pulled to his office while I waited impatiently outside.

  The minute they were dismissed, I rushed towards Ryder, repeatedly asking him if he was in any serious trouble. He merely brushed me out of his way saying that it was just detention but I still followed him around like a hopeless and ownerless puppy begging for food.

  I had followed him to the sick bay, constantly asking if he wanted me to wait for him. With one repeated answer, no, I waited.

  Minutes later, he was out. He sighted me and groaned at the fact that I completely disobeyed his orders to get to class.

"I thought I told you to go on" he said eyeing me from the side and reaching up to feel his injuries.

"I'm sorry, I-oh careful" I reached out, gently tugging on his hand, moving it away from his face as he winced.

"Don't touch it" I whispered and he let out a low grunt with a slight nod.

"So um, I'm sorry" I whispered and he immediately sent me a soft glare.

"What in heavens name are you apologising for?" He asked and I shrugged, bashfully playing with my hair.

"Whatever, it's that meathead's fault" he shrugged, his face contorting in a tight grimace.

"Careful" I cautioned softly.

"So um are you still coming by my place tomorrow?" I asked and he huffed but nodded.

"Thanks" I squealed, reaching up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

The fuck did I just do?!

  Panicking, I went speed walking towards my locker, muttering apologies to him as I did.



  Four o'clock, finally, I sighed loudly. I got up from the chair feeling exhausted and frustrated only to be bumped into by that turd again. I growled lowly as he turned to me.

  Smirking cockily, he left the class. I didn't have time for him right now. I just grabbed my stuff and left as well.


  I got home in about twenty minutes, taking my time to marvel at the huge van parked right in front of our lawn. The worn out old thing  looked quite familiar so I decided to check the lisence plate. As I did, my eyes widened and I basically rushed into my house, flinging my bag aside.

"Uncle Chuck!" I called out happily.

  A roaring guffaw echoed through the entire house as my giant uncle rushed up to me, embracing me in a tight bear hug.

"I'm suffocating" I choked, his large muscular arms unwrapping from my smaller form.

  He was a very huge man, a dedicated bodybuilder. With his towering height, I seemed like a twig next to him. His loud and manly voice complimented his size greatly.

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