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"It's nothing" from quivering lips did these words escape. Reaching up, his hand instinctively held on to the  pendant.

"It's a necklace and I've never seen you wear jewelry before" I stated, approaching him. 

  As soon as I was close enough, his hand tightened around the ornament.  I sighed.

"Let go, Aleister" I instructed calmly and he looked up at me through teary eyes as his fingers carefully peeled off the pendant.

  I took a deep breath, noticing his eyelids shut tightly. I looked down at his trembling form. The skin on his face, neck and ears were as red as his plump lips which were currently being abused by his gritting teeth. His hands formed fists at his sides and his chest rose and fell deeply.

"I told you it's nothing" he quivered nervously, his breaths hitching as I took hold of the pendant, taking it closer so my eyes.

"He gave you this didn't he?" I monotoned dryly, my hands grasping the stone and my teeth angrily gritting.

  All I saw was pure sizzling red as rage fueled me. My head throbbed achingly as I suddenly lost control of my actions.

"Ryder I-" I cut him off, aggressively and abruptly pulling on the chain, suffocating him.

"Stop please" he whimpered pleadingly as tears welled up in his eyes.

  As soon as I noticed the glossy and frightened eyes that were darting deeply into mine, I felt myself regain my senses. My grip was tight. I stared down at my pale knuckles wide eyed.

"I'm sorry" I choked out, my hazel coloured pupils dilating as I took a slow and long breath, relaxing and letting go.

  As my fingers pried off the necklace, he erupted in a fit of coughs. He clenched unto his neck, rubbing and massaging. My eyes went glossy while his own tears slipped down slowly.

  I gulped anxiously, watching as he suddenly looked up at me through frightened eyes. He was staring at me like I was some monster. A sharp gasp suddenly escaped my lips as I sighted the light bruise on his neck.

"I'm sorry" I repeated, the tears now seeping gradually from my own eyes as he silently stared at me.

  I eventually took out the cigarette from between his dry lips and threw it onto the floor. I gave him one last apologetic gaze before hurriedly walking away.


  I laid on my bed motionless with my eyes swollen from crying. My body was weak as I shivered under my blankets. My temperature, running wild as my head throbbed.

  Achingly long moments later, I heard my room door slowly creak open. Appearing before me was Aleister, his tone quiet and delicate as he called for me.

"Ryder" I felt my chest sting at the sound of his dulcet voice.

  I fisted my sheets, trying to suppress the emotions begging to be let out while shivering slightly under the warm linen. I felt pain, pain in my head and chest, physical and emotional.

"Ryder you're shivering" he commented worriedly, rushing towards me. His gaze on me was heavy as he placed the back of his hand on my throbbing temple.

"Oh gosh" he exclaimed, withdrawing his soft hands. My body, tensing at the loss of his gentle touch against my burning skin.

"I'll get my mom" he said, leaning back and darting for the door.

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