Chapter 18: Acquiring Brahmasira Weapon

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Our time at the Gurukul was passing in smoothly and we were becoming experts in wielding various kinds of weapons. I would like to recollect one incident that happened during this time which delighted our Acharya immensely. As per our usual routine, we all gathered in the dining room to have our dinner. The dining room was a massive one, able to accommodate couple of hundred people in a single sitting, and during dinner time large candles were lit and were placed all through the hall to provide for sufficient light. On one such occasion when we were having our dinner, suddenly heavy rain started with very strong breeze blowing in. As a result of that strong breeze the candles were put-off and it was pitch-dark. We stopped eating and were waiting for the strong breeze to subside and for the candles to be lit again.

I was wrong in thinking that everyone stopped eating though, after few moments of silence, I was hearing sounds of munching of food and was shocked to know that it was Bhim bhai who was having his dinner, as if the candles were lit. I was stunned at this and later on when we were retiring to the dormitory, I asked Bhim bhai how could he eat food without any issues in such pitch-dark condition and his answer surprised me and provided a great insight. He said, since he loves food very much, that his fingers acted as eyes for him and he was able to eat even in dark. That was a great insight from Bhim bhai, I thought to myself, if one loves to do something passionately and works earnestly for it, then anything would be possible. With this insight, I started to practise shooting arrows in the dark, and gradually with thorough practice I was able to master shooting at night time.

One day our Acharya who was returning late in the night from one of his visits to Hastinapur, heard the whizzing sounds of the arrows and came to inspect who was shooting arrows in such pitch dark condition. When he saw it was me who was shooting the arrows accurately even in the dark, he was overwhelmed and came rushing in and embraced me warmly and said 'My child you are unique. Your focus, determination and discipline is unparalleled and it will set benchmarks for future generations. My child, through your accomplishments I will be getting eternal fame as a teacher. Future generations will remember me as the teacher of the greatest archer Arjuna'. I humbly prostrated before my Guru and took his blessings.

Our Acharya used to train us with some unique training methods and techniques and he used to regularly conduct tests to gauge our proficiency. One day, Acharya assembled all the students at the riverbank, and mentioned he would have a purifying bath in the river and afterwards will instruct us mantras for invoking celestial weapons. On hearing this, we were very excited about it. But, we did not know that it was again a test conducted by our Acharya. Soon after, we heard loud cries from Acharya who was having his bath in the river, we all rushed in to see what was going on, and were shocked to see a giant crocodile grasp our Acharya's leg and was pulling him into the waters and Acharya asking for help. As it was a terrifying scene to watch that giant crocodile pull our Acharya's leg, some students got scared and not knowing what to do were running hither and thither and some students went to seek help from people outside the ashram to rescue Acharya. But, in my mind, I quickly calculated what my action plan would be and I pulled in the arrows from my quiver and shot five arrows in quick succession into the mouth of that giant crocodile and due to the impact of those arrows it immediately loosened its grip and released Acharya's leg. I was relieved to see that I was able to rescue our Acharya from that giant crocodile. But, I was surprised to see him smiling. I thought it was a serious danger that was just averted and he needed some quick medical help to treat the wound caused by the deadly bite of that giant crocodile, so was a bit puzzled to see why Acharya was smiling. Then with a beaming smile Acharya announced to all, 'My dear students, do you think Acharya Dron, knower of divine weapons will not be able to save himself from a mere crocodile, and that he would seek help from his students? No, it was a test put by me to you. And, as usual, today also, it was my dearest pupil Arjuna who made me proud and passed it with flying colours. This test showcased his quick agility and sharp thinking process. When rest of you were in confused state, only he had the clarity on the task at hand. I believe with this test, all of your doubts must be vanished on why Arjuna is my favourite student. I'm blessed to have such a student and for such an extraordinary and gifted student there is nothing in this world that I would not teach him. Today, I'm going to teach Arjuna, the mantra for invoking the very rare and powerful divine weapon named 'Brahmasira'. It is the divine weapon of the creator and is more powerful than Brahmastra and has the capability to cause wide scale destruction. Today I'm going to teach him the method of invoking it, releasing it and withdrawing it. In my life, I have never taught this divine astra to anyone as I did not find any student worthy enough for it, but today I feel proud to have a student like Arjuna who will be the worthy recipient of this divine astra. This divine astra should be taught only to those who not only have extraordinary skills but also have supreme self-control.'

I was extremely happy that day to acquire knowledge of that divine weapon. All my brothers were very proud of me for that achievement. As usual, it was Bhim bhai who was the most vocal of all and his ways of expression were characteristic of his childlike nature. And, Bhim bhai literally crushed me that day with his bear hugs. When I remember those glorious days we brothers spent at Acharya's Gururkul, I feel I want to turn the cycle of time and go back to my days at Gurukul.

As years passed at the Gurukul, it was time to learn more serious methods of warfare. Battle formation (Vyuha) was one of the most important and strategic aspects in a war. Learning these battle formations was a very difficult task, as it involved intricate knowledge of various aspects and gauging them based on factors such as type of weaponry used, infantry, cavalry strength, number of chariots, strength of the elephant division, choice of attack (whether offensive/defensive). Since, understanding and building of such formations was very complex and highly theoretical, so not many students were interested to learn those nor grasp them. Even our Guru bhai Ashwatthama who was a brilliant warrior was not very keen to learn these complex vyuhas. So, most of the times, it was only two of us, Acharya and me going over these vyuhas. Our Acharya taught me all the important and strategically decisive vyuhas such as Krauncha, Makara, Kurma, Mandala, Vajra, Shakata, Soochi, Chandrakala, Ardha-chandra and so on. But, the most complicated and destructive amongst all vyuhas was the 'Chakra vyuh' (wheel formation). That vyuh later on in my life would be an instrument that brought me heartache, immense pain and suffering. Since, Chakra vyuh was highly complex, strategic and very destructive, it was taught very rarely. And, as per our Acharya as of that time, only 4 warriors in the whole world knew about that vyuh. Acharya instructed the knowledge of 'Chakra Vyuh' only to me, even Ashwathamma was not instructed on it. 

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