Author's Note

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Hi everyone and welcome!

This story was not planned to be a story. These two characters are from my other novel Darker Than Sin. When I completed DTS, I had a looooot of requests to write a book about Jake and Callum, the two younger brothers of the main characters. At first I was like, okay, why not. Let's do a few bonus chapters and see what happens (I was a bit of a scaredy-cat because I've never written boyxboy and I was like oh man I am going to be terribleeee at this). Apparently, you guys really like them. Some even saying you like them more than the main story (lmao, sorry Haze & Ellie). So, I wrote more and more and now I'm kind of in love with them and this story and so many people have been demanding (yes, demanding) their own book and after a lot of umms and ahhs and hesitation on my behalf (because I'm the most indecisive person on the planet) I've decided to go ahead with it and make their own book. 

I wish I'd known I was going to do this because I would have actually had a plan (who am I kidding, I never plan) and probably gone about the whole thing differently but hey, let's just roll with it.

So, I've posted ten "bonus chapters" at the end of Darker Than Sin which I will just repost here and then pick up from chapter ten with additional parts.

If you're new here, you don't have to read Darker Than Sin first BUT I do recommend it as it explains a lot and this story just jumps straight into so there's not a lot of background explanation for anyone who hasn't read DTS first. But you'll get the gist of it anyway.

If you are interested in reading DTS, it can be found on my profile and here is the book trailer for it: 

Anyway. I'm obviously a girl and don't have any experience with boyxboy writing but hey, let's just have fun with it and see where it goes. Enjoy, read, vote, comment, all those lovely things and I shall keep in touch with you. I am alwayssss open to ideas/suggestions okkkk so don't be shy with telling me what you want to see (I see, I listen, I know what cha's want).


Instagram: laurenj_22

Snapchat: laurenj_22

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