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Callum's POV:

As I sit in the plane, gazing out the window that overlooks the weathered grass of the country I've resided in for the past year, I begin to feel nervous for my return home.

I got to see Jake twice while I was away.

The first time, I surprised him. I didn't tell him I was coming home and arrived at his foster parents' house out of the blue.

I had been talking to Jake all morning while I was in the airport and in the taxi. His foster parents were out.

Quietly, I edge around the side of the house. I slip inside the sliding door and pad gently across the tiles, heading towards Jake's room. I can hear the loud, clashing music booming from his stereo. Drawing a deep breath, I inch the door open. He's bent over his desk, his pen between his lips as he glares down at a piece of paper before him. A few messy sentences have been scrawled on the lines, only to have been crossed out.

He's shirtless. That was the first thing I noticed. His arms. God, I have missed those arms. They're bigger than they were when I left. He told me he goes to the gym five days a week now to let out his 'sexual frustration'. I'm happy about that. Much better than moving on with someone else.

His brow is creased as he looks down, as if hoping the words will magically appear on their own.

"Think any harder and you might hurt yourself," I grin.

Jake startles so violently that his knee hits his desk, sending his cup of pens clattering across the table. He whirls to face me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I casually lean against his wall, loosely flinging my hands into my pockets.

"Hey," I say. "What's up?"

"What?" he splutters, scrambling to his feet. "Is this real?"

"I sure hope so."

"How..." he trails off, before snapping himself out of his shock. He stalks towards me. "Fuck the what and the how. I need you."

He pulls me towards him and I tangle my fingers through his hair. He desperately gropes at my shirt and it's off and over my head within seconds.

His kisses send a wave of hot spikes through my veins. I've needed this. I've missed it so much.

We fall across his sheets as the kiss deepens.

We finally pause for a beat. He stares into my eyes, cupping my face.

"I've missed you more than you can ever imagine."

"Bet I missed you more," I reply, before stealing another kiss from him.

I relish every touch, every movement, imprinting it into my mind so when we're apart again, I can relive this moment over and over.

We are so desperate to be with each other that once isn't enough. We can't stop. In the back of my mind, I wonder how the hell I am going to leave again. Even if it's only for a few months. I can't possibly be away from this. From him.

We eventually detangle ourselves from each other in a hot, sweaty mess. We plan to shower before his foster parents return only to end up against the glass door of the shower. Shampoo bottles clutter the floor and the soap slides across the ground as things get far too steamy between us.

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