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Callum's POV:

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Callum's POV:

This had to be the best idea Jake's had in a while.

Taking a step away from life for a minute to enjoy being with each other. Jake and I talked more than we have in a while and we had so much fun with Matt and Vanessa. I think they're going to become people we go camping with regularly now. We spent almost the entire next day with them, four-wheel-driving, swimming, fishing and we finished the night with beers around the fire. I honestly did not expect to have such a great time.

I wish we could have stayed longer but work and uni called us back to reality.

We stop by the local grocery store before we get home to re-stock supplies. As I step outside the car, a woman openly stares at me from across the carpark. She's tall, with long dair hair billowing around her face in the wind. An uncomfortable shiver runs down my spine and I shake it off, following Jake inside, unsure it's from the cold or from the woman staring at me so openly.

"What do you feel like for dinner?" I ask him.

"Something easy, I'm really tired."

"I can make us some toasted sandwiches?" I suggest.

"Sounds perfect."

I detour into the bread aisle. I startle when I see the woman again, holding nothing, staring at me. Her face is blank as she watches. This time, I stare back curiously.

"Found some?"

I look to Jake. "Yeah."

When I glance back up, the woman is gone. My eyes scan for her constantly as we finish getting what we need, but I don't see her again. Maybe she thought she recognised me.

"What's wrong?"

"It's definitely nothing..." I trail off unconvincingly. "This woman looks like she's following me and keeps staring and then disappears."

"Really?" Jake asks in surprise, looking around. "Can you see her now?"

"No," I shake my head. "It's only since coming here. It's probably nothing."

"Okay," he replies, looking around once more, before continuing to pack our items onto the conveyor belt. The girl behind the checkout is doing more than bag our groceries as she does a bit of checking out of her own of Jake.

Jake begins talking about gym things – we've decided that that is something we're going to do together and I've immediately regretted it because Jake wants to now 'train' me. We load everything into the car and as I'm about to get in, I see her.

"There!" I blurt, pointing. "There she is!"

Jake looks up but by the time she does, she's vanished around the corner. I uneasily hop into the car, feeling paranoid. Jake looks concerned as he starts the car and takes the exit we usually wouldn't, hoping that we see where she is heading. We drive by at snail-pace, but no one is there.

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