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The exciting adventures of Jake and Callum has come to abrupt end. Which really sucks. It's like he purposely generated all these feelings that I managed to suppress while he was away, only to kick them to the kerb like they're nothing.

I should have known he would do this. He's too 'cool' to be gay. I should have expected this.

At first, every time he glanced away from me or ignored me in the group, it felt like a bit of my heart was slowly unravelling. But then I realised, fuck him. If he's not ready to accept this, accept us, then that's on him. I'm not going to mope around after someone who isn't going to make me a priority. I deserve better.

The last three days, it has become easier to ignore him. I don't look his way. I don't talk to him unless I have to. I don't act like I care. Plus, Ellie will be here tomorrow. That's been my silver lining for the week.

I'm walking down the hall when I see Jake strolling towards me, two jerk footballers flanking his side. Jack and Guy, the two biggest pricks in our year group. I personally get along with them okay, and by that, I mean they've never really given me a rough time. I think it's because I stapled Guy's hand once. It was actually an accident but it's deemed me a bit of a bad ass in their eyes. They never so much said a bad word to me again. I do know they pick on a lot of people. I don't witness it much, but I hear about it.

The fact that he's hanging with them literally has me rolling my eyes. Finally, something unattractive about Jake. If he is going to make these guys his new pals, then see you later. I don't tolerate bullies.

Edison, the only openly gay kid in our year, is a few steps ahead of me. I can see what's going to happen before it does. Guy simply cannot walk past him and not gay-shame him. It's one of the reasons I have kept myself so suppressed. I have had literal nightmares of Guy going at me in the hall in front of everyone. His face in my face, taunting me, everyone laughing. I feel sick even thinking about it.

But now that I've come out to the most important people in my life, honestly, I think I'm almost ready to completely come out. Not quite there, but almost.

Despite the comments and the looks, Edison continues to have no shame. His hair is bleached blonde, he wears hooped earrings and most of the time, his lips are painted a bright red. His uniform is tailored to his body and his jeans so tight I'm honestly surprised they don't rip when he sits. He's definitely not my type, but he pulls off the look pretty well.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," Guy sneers as he passes, shaking his head in disgust, his eyes roaming over his attire. "You're fucked in the head."

"Taken a look in the mirror lately?" Edison snaps back.

I exhale. I'm proud of him for talking back, but I also think he is an idiot.

"What did you say?" Guy's voice takes on a lot sterner tone. He stops and cocks his head, as if he really did have trouble hearing what he said.

Edison's eyes flicker to the floor. His bravado has dried up.

"What did you say?" he repeats, leaning towards him. "Faggot."

Edison snaps his head up and shoves his arm out, pushing Guy. Jake takes a casual step back, looking unfazed, which is fucking ironic.

Guy's arm strikes out so quick I almost miss it. He jabs Edison in the jaw. He stumbles back, books crashing to the floor. By this stage, people have caught on to the scene and are watching silently.

I'm moving before I realise it. I push my body between Guy and Edison.

"Move along, Guy. Don't make yourself look like an even bigger tool."

"What the fuck?" he exclaims in genuine surprise, his eyes giving me a brief once-over.

"I'm serious," I shrug. "It's pretty lame to gay shame, man. It's 2019. Be a bit more original if you need to put someone down."

"Sounds like you might have something you need to tell the world, eh, Cal?" He sneers, leaning close to me.

I keep my face calm even though my heart is racing and my mind is screaming.

"Grow the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face," my voice takes on a bite I've never heard before. I take a step forward, my eyes narrowing. I can feel my body tensing. If he takes even one step towards me, I'm hitting him. Straight between the eyes.

Jake yanks on Guy's arm.

"Come on," he mutters.

Guy looks to Jake in surprise. "What?"

"Come on," Jake says, still unfazed as ever. He's even begun to walk away. "I'm hungry."

Guy looks back at me, his lips twisted into a scowl. He spits at the floor, it landing inches from Edison's foot. He stalks away after Jake. Jack wordlessly follows suit. I forgot he was even there; he was that quiet.

Ignoring everyone's stares, I offer a hand to Edison, after we gather his books.

"Callum... I don't even know how to say how much I appreciate what you just did for me."

"Teenagers are assholes," I sigh. "I'm sorry that you get picked on for being yourself. It sucks."

His eyes are wet as he stares at me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I hand over his history textbook and begin to walk away, when Ed reaches for my arm.

"Hey, do you want to get lunch together today? I know you have heaps of friends and they're all cool and whatever and like you sticking up for me doesn't mean –"

"I'd love to."

He stops his rambling and peers up at me through his glasses.

"Meet you in the cafeteria at lunch?" I ask.

He still appears speechless. He nods, his glasses sliding down his nose. "Yes."

I nod, before heading towards class. When I round the corner, I see Jake at the end of the hall, watching, eyes narrowed.

He doesn't look happy and honestly, I don't even care.



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