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Short and sweet update tonight. There's so much more I want to write but I'm sooo tired. I wanted to get this out and I'll work on the next update as soon as I can! 🖤

Don't forget to check out the playlist and let me know if there's any songs you think for their story that you want me to add!

Don't forget to check out the playlist and let me know if there's any songs you think for their story that you want me to add!

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I let Charlie off the lead once we reach the driveway. He bounds away from me and up the stairs of the porch. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I trail after him, huffing and puffing. The best thing about no school? Having time to do the things I want. I never understand why being suspended was a form of 'punishment'. It's awesome.

After our counselling sessions, I decided to unblock Jake's number. I haven't seen him for a few days but we've spoken over the phone and it's been really nice. It's easier to have a proper conversation when I don't want to touch every part of his body.

I let out a yelp when there's movement in my peripheral vision. I spin around to see Jake sitting on the porch swing Ellie put up. He's wearing a dark hoodie, his shoulders hunched, his hands hidden from view. He gently swings, looking out over the lawn. His cuts and bruises are in the healing stage, showcasing an unattractive yellow colour.

"Hey," I say after a moment of silence.

"Hey," he replies, his eyes remaining overlooking the street.

"What are you doing here?" I unzip my jacket and fling it over my shoulder. My breath swirls in front of me.

"I miss you."

A jolt runs through my body, hitting me like a thousand tiny needles. He has so much damn effect on me, it's insane.

My mouth suddenly feels dry. "Oh?"

"Yeah," he says casually, pushing himself lazily from the seat. He swaggers towards me, his trademark smirk printed onto his face. "What's for lunch?" he asks, before walking through the front door, uninvited, like he always does.

I'm a little dazed as I make us some toasted sandwiches. While I cook, I find myself wrapped up in thought. I'm feeling almost panicked having him here, after our intense moment earlier in the week. When he's not physically around me, I seem to have much more control over how I feel. Everything explodes when we meet, though, which throws all my 'progress' out the window.

"I'm not supposed to be around you," I state as I lower the handle down, listening to the butter sizzle against the hot plate. I focus on the cheese melting off the side, acting as though it's fascinating, using it as an excuse not to look up at him.

"Funny, the same goes for me," he cracks a grin and that's when I realise my eyes have magnetically been drawn to him, like always. "Apparently you're bad news?" His cocky grin is so damn sexy, it hurts.

I laugh at that. "Yeah, I'm the bad news."

"You're the one who hit me, remember?" he points out. "Twice, now."

"Unimportant," I wave off dismissively.

"Mmhmm," he mumbles distractedly, fetching himself a drink. "What are you up to this weekend?"

I nervously begin to spin the spatula around in my hand.

"Cal?" he questions.

"You're going to get angry."

He's suddenly standing right here. So close I can smell his aftershave. So close, I can feel his breath on the side of my neck.

"Go on." His voice is eerily calm, causing goose bumps to prickle across my skin uncomfortably.

Silently, I check to see how the bread is cooking, before placing the lid down and turning to him.

"I don't want you to overreact."

"When do I ever?"

I don't bother to acknowledge that.

"I have plans with Rhett."

His lips flatten into a line and I swear his left eye actually twitches. A dark look flashes across his face and his lips curl, before he manages to smooth it out. He forces himself to nod. I know this, because his knuckles have turned white.

"Oh, do you?"

"I've told him everything," I say. "He knows... I'm not... I don't know what he thinks, honestly, but he knows there's something here with you."

"If I asked you not to go, would you not?" he asks quietly.

"If I asked you to trust me, would you?" I ask back in the same tone.

"You didn't answer."

"Nor did you."

He closes his eyes. "I trust you, but I can't stomach the thought of you going. Being with him."

"But it's just hanging out," I say. "I'm not going to lead him on."

"Then don't go at all," he insists, gathering my hands in his. "Don't. Please."

I can smell the bread burning but it fades into the background as I stare into his eyes. They're pooling with liquid as they stare into my own.

"Please, Cal," he whispers. "Don't go."

"J," I sigh, looking down at our hands.

"You said you'd wait for me," his voice is so small that it hurts to listen to it. "Is this waiting? You being with someone else?"

I nod slowly. "You're right. I don't have any romantic intentions with Rhett, but okay. I respect how you feel."

"Really?" he asks, a glimmer of hope appearing on his face.


He suddenly slams his lips to mine. I stumble back in surprise, before tangling my fingers through his hair and kiss him back. It's fast, hot and so damn passionate that we have to break apart within seconds simply to breathe.

"No," I gasp out, holding my hand to his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath the surface. "We decided to wait."

"You decided to wait."

"J," I groan, taking a step back and unplugging the toaster, just to preoccupy my hands.

"Okay, okay," he raises his hands. "I was planning to ask you to hang out this weekend, though."

"Hmm?" I mumble, pulling the sandwiches out, still feeling a little shaken from our moment.

"Haze got tickets for this concert for him, Heidi and Kai but now the others can't go and, well, I thought we should," he shrugs. "It's an all-age event."

"A concert?"

"Yeah. I'll drive us and we can stay with Haze," he nods.

I lift the bread and take a bite. The stringy cheesy drips down my chin. Jake's eyes watch my every move.

"We're supposed to be staying away from each other," I say, my voice taking on a slight husky edge to it.

"Yeah?" he asks, leaning forward, snaking his tongue out and licking the cheese from my skin. "When has that stopped us before?"


What do you think about Callum and Jake going away together? Do you think it'll be good for them? And what do you think about Callum cancelling on Rhett? Tell me all your thoughts! 🕺🏿🖤

Intagram: laurenj_22

Snapchat: laurenj_22

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