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i've been holding back with the sex scenes as i know some don't feel comfortable with it but y'all have been asking so ofc i have delivered. end of chapter is a lil steamyyyy. hope u enjoy it xoxo

Callum's POV:

We walk along the water line, sand squishing between our toes, the sun slowly sinking into the horizon.

It's one of these moments that makes you stop and appreciate the beauty around you. The sun, the water, Jake. All if it is beautiful. I slither my fingers between his as we walk. We ate Chinese takeout on one of the rusty tables near the sand dunes and must have drank at least five cans of Jim Beams each.

"I'm glad we did this," Jake says. "This," he clarifies, gesturing to the beach and waving his drink. "Not, you know, the actual reason for coming here."

"Me too," I agree, trying not to let my mind wander to AJ's harsh words and cruel smile.

"I'm feeling a bit tipsy," he admits with a sheepish smile. "These drinks are going down a little too well."

"I'm feeling it, too," I smile, considering we drank at least four each back at the hotel before we left.

Jake looks handsome in the knitted sweater and black chinos I bought him. He looks effortlessly nice in everything he wears, but this is a little more formal than his usual style and I'm here for it.

Pushing his sleeves up past his elbow, he turns me to him and plants a warm kiss on my lips. I deepen the kiss, wanting to feel his tongue on mine immediately. A low growl emits from his throat and we breathlessly part.

"Later," he promises. "We're continuing that."

"Oath we are."

When darkness begins to settle around us, bringing the nightly chill with it, we decide it's a good time to head into town. We don't really know anything about this place or where to go, but that's partly the fun of it. We wander aimlessly through the town. It's much busier than it was earlier, with people dressed in nice button-ups, dresses and heels now, instead of the casual beach attire that I noticed people in when I was in town today.

A bar with low hanging golden lights and loud music blaring pulls our attention. The line up and the people spilling out onto the street makes me think it is a good place to be. The line is pushed through quicker than I expected and we're soon seated, a cold drink in our hands.

"Cool vibes," Jake says to me, moving his head slightly to the music. I cover my smile with my drink. He must be a little drunk to be looking like he wants to dance. And it's a good drunk – happy, carefree and he's smiling. I'm so glad.

"Yeah, I like it here," I say back.

After finishing our drinks and ordering another, we go to the pool tables where a group of guys are playing.

"You guys in for next round?" one of them asks.

"Sure," I nod.

"If you're ready to get your ass kicked," Jake adds.

I look to him in concern but he has a teasing grin on his face. The guy laughs, raising an eyebrow.

"All right, challenge accepted," the lad replies.

These guys are fun. We end spending two hours playing pool and drinking with them. Michael, Johnno and Steve, are their names. They attend uni here and have lived here forever, they tell us. I'm really happy that they also realise we're a couple and haven't once made a thing of it. It's really refreshing not to get stares or see people whispering.

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