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Hey, hi, hello, happy isolation ⚡️⚡️

Sorry this isn't an update — there's one coming soon! — as we are all in isolation, I think it's a really great time to plough through our TBR piles and discover new and amazing books.

As requested, I've made some tik toks on some books I recommend and I've also started to try and add some new, aesthetic book photos to my Instagram account to try and make it more book-friendly (as that is very much my passion and I want to make some more online friends who share the same interests!)

Please go check out my latest posts and recommend to me what you'd like me to do (do you want more YA recs, romance, thrillers, etc) and can you also let me know some of your favourite standalone and series so I can go read them!

My notifications on Wattpad are really overwhelming so I miss a lot of comments but if you comment on my tik toks / Instagram photos, I'm much more likely to see them and get in contact with you. My DM on Instagram is also open to discuss bookish things!

Hope to see you over there!

Tik tok: laurenj_22

Snapchat: laurenj_22

Much love,

Lauren xx

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