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Callum's POV:

I spent the next day with Jake, trying to distract him from everything, especially his emotional breakdown last night.

We started the day at a café along the waterfront for breakfast and coffee, before we lay on the golden-sanded beach for longer than we should have. The sun felt amazing on my skin and I welcomed a strong dose of it. After lunch, we went to the cinemas–something I love to do but haven't done for ages–and concluded the day with making some mojitos back at the share house with Haze and Ellie.

Today has been a good day. Surprisingly, neither of us were that hungover, thankfully.

"What have you got planned for your trip away?" Ellie asks Jake and I, before taking a long sip of the mojito I recently made her. She smiles at it, impressed. "Oh, this is great, Callum. You'll have to show me your secret recipe."

"Maybe, if you're lucky," I grin. "We haven't got anything booked in yet but thinking we might hire a van to drive down in and free-camp for a few nights wherever we can. We will probably stay at the hotel Alicia suggested everyone stays at the night before the wedding so we have an easy place to get ready and sleep that night. Then, probably keep heading south to the Hunter Valley. I want to do some hiking and I'd like to go to the breweries and wine tasting places along there."

"Wow, that sounds like an amazing holiday!" she beams. "Haze and I are have decided to do some travelling across Europe next year. We're thinking..." she trails off for a moment, meeting my eyes and smiling. "We're thinking of going for about six-to-eight months, if we can budget enough for it."

My heart sinks in my chest, slightly, at the thought of Ellie being away for that long but I don't show it. I was away–for longer than that–and the time flew. I'm sure she would be back in no time. Jake wouldn't ever admit it, but he would miss having Haze around.

"Wow," I manage to say while my mind spins for a moment. "That sounds fantastic. Have you said anything to Ma?"

"Not yet," she frowns. "I'm a bit afraid to."

"She won't want you to go but only because she will miss you so much," I explain easily, considering that is exactly how I feel as well. "But she would be happy for you."

Immediately, I look to Haze who is looking at Ellie like every person wants to be stared at. It clicks then. On that trip, I am certain he is going to propose to her. It is written all over his face.

We continue the conversation of travel as we move out to the back-patio area where Haze has made a platter.

"Should I tell her tomorrow?" Ellie asks me, chewing thoughtfully.

We're meeting Ma for breakfast tomorrow which will be nice, I haven't got to see her for a few weeks now.

"Up to you, really."

"Maybe I'll see what her thoughts are on it before we book any flights."

"Might be a good idea."

"Eat," Haze demands and Jake casts him a surly look before obliging.

"I've been eating all day."

"Good, you need to."

Jake has lost weight, but not in a bad way. He is stronger now, with his gym sessions and football. He does look like he could use more meat on his bones though. The long runs he takes has made him leaner than he has ever been before.

I sit back and make myself comfortable. The mojito goes down a little too easily and I've downed four before I note I'll end up drunk on a Sunday afternoon.

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