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Just lost my job for minimum six weeks due to COVID-19... smiling through the stress of rent coming out each week with now no income :))))) anyways, the silver lining of this terrible time is that I've written more in this last two weeks than I have in six months and I'm so happy about that. Hope you're all staying safe and healthy during this tough time xx

In other news, check out the new amazing cover for A Touch Of Sin by kimberly_white101

In other news, check out the new amazing cover for A Touch Of Sin by kimberly_white101

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Jake's POV:

Forcing myself to go to work began as a struggle but now I crave the distraction.

I've never been an early riser but the last few mornings, I've appreciated the crisp morning air and the views only able to be seen if you're up before everyone else. It's been good, being out in the sun, getting my hands dirty. That's what I'm meant to be doing, not sitting inside and crying over a boy who broke my heart.

"You play football?" Alex, one of the only co-workers my age, asks me, dragging the back of his hand over his brow as he leans on the shovel he's holding.

"Yeah," I reply.

"We're looking for new players for the Westcom Warriors."

"Is that the local football team?" I ask.

"Yeah. You should come to training tonight."

I shrug. "All right. What time?"

"Six, at the main oval, near the shopping centre."

"Cool, I'll be there," I nod.

I perk up a little after that, finally having something to look forward to. I moved to Westcom to be with Callum and now that I'm not, I feel lost. The only other people I know here are my brother, Callum's sister and Callum's roommate. Doesn't leave me a lot of options.

The benefit of starting early means an early finish. I knock off at four and meet Spud for a beer.

"You play?" I ask after explaining that I'm going to go to training tonight.

"Nah," he shakes his head. "I smoke too much, I can't run a kilometre before I start coughing."

"Really?" I question.

"No," he laughs. "I do smoke a lot, though and I'm not the athletic type."

"Fair enough."

"How are you holding up?" Spud asks.

"I'm fine."

"Mmhmm. You talked to Candice since?"



"What about you?"

"Yeah, Jules and I have hooked up once or twice since," he smirks.

"Good for you," I say and half-mean it.

We finish our drink and I head home to shower and change from my dirt-layered work uniform. The house is quiet – everyone must be out. I dress into loose shorts and a plain black tee.

I pull up at the oval. There are heaps of cars here and I quickly realise there are several footy teams here and the women are training, too.

"Jake!" Alex calls out to me when I walk in, trying to spot a familiar face.

"Hey man," I greet him.

Alex does a good job of introducing me to everyone but I don't catch most of their names as there are so many here. There are several levels of grading and I have no idea what level I would be considered. I only played football at school, when I could be bothered.

I begin stretching when someone stands beside me.

"Look who it is," the voice says.

A deep exhale escapes me. "You're literally fucking everywhere."

"Small town," Rhett grins.

"Not that small."

"Flying solo today?" he quirks an eyebrow at me. "Don't tell me... you and Callum are over?"

"I'm going to jam my fist down that throat if you say one more word about him."

Rhett's eyes light up at my words and he grins. "Right. Have fun out there."

I glower after him as he saunters away from me. I want to break his damn neck.

I don't push the anger away, I channel it into my training and throw myself into it with every ounce of rage I'm feeling. I tear down the field in the sprints and when we get to practise our attack, I throw myself so aggressively into the other players that I got a warning.

"Damn," Coach Keller says to me when training is finished. I can barely catch my breath. I flick the sweat out of my eyes and turn my attention to him. "You're quite the player, Jake. I'd like to offer you a position. A-Grade is full, but there are a couple of spots available in Reserve Grade if you're interested. If you play like you trained today, I'm sure we'd be able to move you up into the more competitive team."

"I'm happy with Reserve, Coach," I say. "Thanks."

"We meet Monday's, Wednesday and Friday's unless a game is scheduled for Friday night."

"I'll be here," I reply.

He nods at me, before heading back to the other coaches.

"Where have you been?" Haze asks when he hears my footsteps.

"I joined a football team today," I answer.

"Really?" he turns to me and leans back onto the kitchen counter. "Good."

"Yeah, should be good," I agree. "Give me something to do."

"That's right," he nods. "How's work?"

"Good. I'm enjoying it."

I can see the pride in Haze's eyes and it makes me feel weird. I break our gaze and look to the floor.

"Yeah. Well, goodnight."

"Night, Jake," he says softly.

It's not until I'm lying in bed, that I'm finally alone with my thoughts. That's when the pain creeps up on me again, not that it's ever not there. But this time, instead of letting the pain swallow me whole, I realise something. I've achieved today. I'm working, I have a friend and I'm able to participate in something I love again.

I might not have what I truly want, but it's something and that's better than nothing.



Instagram: laurenj_22

Snapchat: laurenj_22

Tik Tok: laurenj_22

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