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Something warm and rough on my cheek wakes me the next morning. I peek through my eyelid to see two big, brown eyes peering back at me. Sharp whiskers prod my nose and I gently swat Grant's cat away. I hear its paws pad against the ground as it bounds away.

I groan. Sitting up slowly, I rub my eyes.

My head. It's killing me.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," I hear Grant greet me as he wanders into the lounge room that I seem to have passed out in. He claps a pair of tongs at me. "Bacon and eggs?"

I nod, rubbing my stomach. The whirring sensation doesn't feel good, but I'm sure food would make me feel better. Grant offers me his hand. My head spins when I stand.

"Alice George?" he asks with a smirk. "I was surprised."

"Me too," I reply weakly.

Kissing Alice. Katryn storming off. Jake.

What a night.

I follow Grant into his kitchen, where a few of the other boys are, looking in as good of condition as me.

"Callum, you son of a bitch," Jaeden grins. "Alice George? I've been trying to get in there for six months."

"Sorry man."

He waves it off. "Fair game, brother."

I collapse onto the stool and hang my head in my hands. I'm so confused. Katryn is mad at me. Alice is going to think we have a thing. Jake basically owns my soul. I'm screwed.

"I thought you were meant to go home with Katryn last night?" Grant asks as he flips the bacon.

"Yeah I was. We got in a fight."

"Jealousy, no doubt," Grant scoffs, even though we did basically have this conversation last night.

I make a sound of agreement.

"You know that chick is in love with you, right?" Jaeden asks, pulling a shirt over his head.

I rub my hand across my face. "Yeah."

"Cal is smart enough not to go there," Grant says and I bite my tongue.

I hate being in the middle of this Katryn-verse-Grant fued.

The conversation finally moves away from my love life and onto other interesting things that happened last night. I tune in and out, mainly focusing on the breakfast being prepared and my aching stomach.

I get my phone out and begin to write a message to Katryn at least half a dozen times, before I give up. I know I need to go to her in person and apologise.

When the boys begin to get ready to go surfing, I decide it's time to go. The weather is way too cool for me to be out in the water today, regardless of heated wetsuits. Besides, Katryn needs me. Or really, I need her.

Mum's not home when I return. I shower and dress swiftly, before grabbing Charlie's lead. He trots beside me as we head down the street to Katryn's house. She has a ginormous soft spot for my dog. Therefore, there's a much higher chance of her speaking with me when he's around. He could use the walk anyway.

Her mum is in the garden when I walk up the driveway. She waves at me with bright yellow gloves up to her elbows.

"Morning Cal!" she shouts and I wonder if it is still morning.

"Hey there," I reply with a smile.

"Katryn! Cal is here!" she yells like she has so many times before.

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