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When we return downstairs, I'm absolutely humiliated at what we just did in that bathroom. My skin is flushed, my hair is a mess and I honestly feel like my eyes are saying 'yep, we just did very bad things in the bathroom upstairs'. By Ellie's kind of creepy grin and Haze giving her a side-eye, I can tell they know. I just hope my mother doesn't put two and two together because this is going to be a long dinner.

I sit opposite to Ellie and Jake slides in beside me. Our knees bump under the table and I fist my hand. I need to keep in control.

"How was school, Cal?" Ma asks as she begins to load up her plate. "I haven't had a chance to ask."

"School was fine," I manage to choke out, which is extremely hard when Jake is rubbing his foot up my leg. "How was your day?"

"Couldn't have been over quicker, I was so excited to see my girl," she smiles at Ellie who beams back. "I miss having you here. But I'm happy you're happy."

"Thanks Ma," Ellie smiles and I see the sadness in her eyes. She wishes she was here, too. But she needed to go. Haze, too.

Jake's hand moves onto my thigh and I drop my fork. Mum gives me an odd look and I smile apologetically. The conversation never ceases as Ellie launches into many stories of what her and Haze have been up to. I'm trying to listen. I really am. But Jake's hands are on me and holy shit I cannot think of anything else.

I close my eyes. If he doesn't remove his hand, this is going to get awkward, real fast.

Gently, I pry his hand away and look at him. He smirks at me. He knows exactly how I'm feeling right now. Suddenly, Jake jumps and lets out a yelp. I glance up, to see Haze glaring at him. Busted. He gives Jake a look. A deathly look. Mum's eyebrows are raised.

"Everything okay, dear?" she asks.

"Yep," Jake squawks, his face looking like it's about to catch on fire. Somebody didn't realise we had an audience. Awkward.

When Ma realises she's forgot napkins, she hurries into the kitchen.

"Hey fuck-face, learn some table etiquette," Haze scolds Jake.

"Haze!" Ellie hisses, her eyes flickering to the kitchen.

"No promises," Jake smirks and I just want to die.

I sink into my chair. This is so embarrassing.

Ma returns, completely oblivious to what is going on.

"Hope you're all hungry for dessert," she chirps with a cheery grin.

"Yes," Jake smiles at her, glancing to me. "I'm starving."


The last time I sat in the back of Haze's truck was years ago. I was in pretty much the same situation, just less intense, with his brother, but it feels like a lifetime ago.

Ellie and Ma are doing some night special of massages, face-masks and something to do with your feet, which I was invited to of course, but it's not exactly my thing. Or is it? I don't know. I'd be open to it, I guess, but Tommy's party seems more fun. Haze is dropping Jake and I off, before he goes and visits one of his mates.

Jake is up the front, chatting to his brother. I tune in and out as I look out the window, my mind stuck on what happened before dinner.

Jake is so confusing. He acts like he wants me, but only when it's convenient for him. Overall, what does he want?

"So, um, make safe choices and all that shit," Haze says when he pulls up out the front.

"Thanks for the words of wisdom," I laugh.

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