Riverside Bank

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Frank called ten minutes later sounding very excited, "Rita, Rita, I may have something."

"Take a breath Frank and tell me what you think you have."

"I looked into Mrs. Wilkes like Joe asked but found nothing more. Then I checked out Dave, I mean, Mr. Wilkes the victim."

"I know who you mean what did you find out?" Rita interrupted.

"Did you know he liked to bet on sports?"

"Lots of people bet on sports, so what?" Rita felt exasperated. "Sorry, this case is getting to me; please continue."

"Yeah right. I understand. Anyway, Mr. Wilks didn't only bet on sports he bet big."

"How big?"

"Talk at O'Malley's bar is he owed seventy large and O'Malley's wasn't the only place. I can't confirm it, but the whispers are he owed Carvelli one hundred. I don't know what all that means but he was never going to get out from that on his salary."

"You got that right. Nice job, kid." A thought struck Rita. "Frank, see if anyone feels that O'Malley or Carvelli expects to get paid now."

"Get paid? How would they get paid now that he's dead? The old lady doesn't have any money."

"Just do it ok."

"Sure, sure thing Rita." Frank hung up.

So our boy was a gambler and in deep. Interesting. Motive? Perhaps but dead men don't pay bills, that is unless their wives were expecting a big check. Rita smiled for the first time today.


Rita met Joe outside the bank and quickly filled him in. "Whoo, Carvelli is not a nice guy," Joe said. "If he wanted you dead, you would already be dead. O'Malley might bust you up some, but he would know you couldn't pay if you were busted up too severely."

"Or dead."

"Yeah, or dead. We won't find any dirt on Carvelli; that's for sure."

"That's what I thought as well. But what if Carvelli made a deal with Mrs. Wilkes to wipe out the debt? Carvelli hits the abusive husband, and the wife pays off the debt from the insurance money?"

Joe took a minute then nodded, "It's thin but could fit. So who hires the hit? Would the wife even have to be in on it? Couldn't Carvelli show up after the check came and collect?"

"Doubtful. Hassling a widow wouldn't get you much sympathy even in this neighborhood. Even being Carvelli. No, it only fits if they are working together."

"So how do we prove it," Joe asked.

"Find the hitman," Rita replied.

"Yeah right. OK, let's go talk to Mr. Kinkade." As Rita turned she noticed an old, faded, red, Probe pull to the curb two blocks away. Had she seen that car before? The hairs stood up on her neck again. She didn't like that feeling, but she always listened to it when she felt it.

Joe was holding the door for her. "Everything alright? You look like you have seen a ghost."

"It's fine. Let's go," as Rita walked through the door. She felt like looking over her shoulder but didn't.

Rita and Joe had to wait for Mr. Kinkade to finish up with a customer. They sat in the outer lobby area. Both looking at the spot Dave was lying dead days before. The blood had been cleaned up and the floor polished, of course, but neither spoke. They were sure of the other's thoughts.

Mr. Kinkade came out and greeted them. "What can I do for you? Any progress to finding the robbers?"

"May we go to your office please?" Rita didn't wait but started walking to his office.

"Sure, this way," but Rita was already halfway there.

Joe stopped at the door, and asked, "Mr. Kinkade is there anyone in the security office?"

"Sure, Rob is in there now."

"Could you call him please and have him open the door for me? I would like to see some tape. Is yesterday's tape still here?"

"I don't know. The tape is sent to the main office over on Jay St as soon as it's archived." He picked up the phone on his desk and punched a couple of buttons and told Rob what he wanted. "All set, detective."

Joe corrected, "Officer not detective, and thank you."

Rita looked at Joe but didn't ask any questions. She trusted him and found him to be very competent.

"Now Mr. Kinkade, this is what I want..." Rita was saying as Joe went out of earshot.

The security office was at the end of the hall with a small sign on the door security office. He wasn't playing detective the day of the robbery, so he wasn't privy to the layout or what the tapes showed.

Rob open the door even before he could knock. The advantage of being in a room with a view of everything Joe thought. Rob was a friendly young man about twenty-two or twenty-three, long red hair and lots of freckles on his face. Joe couldn't help but think the ladies loved him.

Joe introduced himself and found he immediately liked the kid.

"Is the film of yesterday still here," Joe asked as he was looking at the monitors.

"No, it got sent to the home office about an hour ago. What did you want to see, if I might ask?"

"I wanted to see what the cameras see. You know angles and blind spots those kinds of things."

"Not many blind spots but if you like I can back up and show you this morning so you can get a feel. I find its kind of cool being able to see and record everything like this. I went to school for criminal science with hopes to be a police officer someday, but security is as far as I have gotten so far."

"Were you here the day of the robbery?" Joe asked.

"No. Well, I mean yes I was here but out of the building. I go on break at ten o'clock and come back at ten fifteen. I go around the corner to the deli for a cup of coffee."

"Every day?" Joe asked becoming interested.

"Yes. Why?"

"Is this office maned when you leave?"

"No. With Dave out front, no one ever worried about me taking a break."

"Why that deli and why ten to ten-fifteen every day?"

Rob got red in the face, "Well you see... I have a girlfriend, or at least I hope she is my girlfriend who works at the deli and we meet at ten to hang for a few minutes. You understand?"

"Yes, I understand. What door do you go out?" Joe was watching the monitors.

"The front. I'm not allowed to open the rear door. It's always locked."

"So anyone watching could see you walk out, around the corner, and see you come back?"

"Yes, I guess so. Do you think that's what happened?" Rob sounded concerned like he was to blame.

Joe looked at him, and said, "We don't know. Either way, it's not your fault. Have you ever seen anyone hanging around outside when you were on your way or back? Anything funny that maybe you didn't give any thought to but seemed strange?"

"No. Not that I remember but I will give it some thought. How long you been a cop?" Rob asked.

"Some days it seems like forever. Can you show me this morning please?"

"Sure thing. All you have to do is move this lever like this..."           

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