Nick's Missing

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"You have to what?" Rita said, alarmed. She didn't get out of the Alpha Romeo but stared at Ollie.

Ollie was looking at his apartment building. He turned and said, "I have to go to Paris for work. I need to leave on Saturday."

"You are going to kill somebody, I presume." Rita was angry and made no attempts to hide that fact.

"No. I need to talk to a man about his behavior. I do not believe I will be killing anyone."

"You don't believe you're going to kill anyone today? Who says something like that?" Rita said, harshly. "Sometimes I don't get you."

Ollie got out of the car. "Would you like to come to Paris with me?"

"And watch you maim someone or change your mind and kill him. No, I would not."

"I understand," Ollie said as he walked to the door entering his apartment. He stopped to look at Rita standing near the car with her hands on her hips. She was staring at him. "Are you coming, Miss. Rita?" Ollie smiled.

Despite herself, Rita smiled, "You are an ass..."

"Yes, I know."

"Sometimes I swear I want to..."

"Yes, I am sure you do, but are you coming in?"

"Only for a minute. I want to get my stuff and go back to my place tonight," Rita said as she got close to Ollie.

Ollie looked at her and then said, "I see."

"Look I'm pissed all right. I don't know if I can handle you being a..."

"Killer?" Ollie said.

"Yeah, a killer," Rita said with regret.

Rita didn't say much as she collected her things. She noticed a small, neatly stacked pile of mail next to Ollie's book. It hadn't been there when they left. Never mind who cares.

As Rita opened the door leading out of the apartment, Ollie asked, "Are you sure you want to go?"

Rita reached up and kissed Ollie lightly on the lips, "Yes. I need to go."

"All right, be well."

"You too."

Rita stopped as she went out of the bottom door. The Alpha Romeo was gone. How the...


Rita entered her apartment and sat on the sofa. She looked around the depressing apartment and felt like crying. God, I miss him already. But I don't think I can live with a killer.

Looking at her watch, it was a little after midnight. She didn't want to try sleeping. If the nightmares came back, Rita knew that she would go back to him. She didn't want that. But Rita was tired. Thinking of him and today made her smile through the tears. She hadn't even felt them coming. Rita rolled to her side and wept. Sometime later, she fell asleep.

Rita woke to the sound of the garbage truck out front. She sat up with a start. What time is it? Am I late for work? No. I'm suspended. Bastard. Maybe I should call in.

In the end, Rita decided not to call. Seeing the plants, Rita got up and watered them. You look dry. I really should take better care of you.

Looking around and still feeling depressed, she tore down the curtains. That helped a little. More light was coming in, but the windows were filthy. She spent two hours cleaning and scrubbing the grime off. Then she started in on the kitchen. Throughout the day, Rita cleaned, bagged, and organized her apartment.

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