Mike Craig

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"That was a killer telling us it was him and asking us to prove it," Rita said deep in thought.

"But why? We didn't even know he existed before this. Why tell us?"

"A game. Fantasy vs. reality. How the hell should I know?" Rita was upset. "But I am going to find out."

"How did he know about us? How did he know how I like my coffee? And what's with the figs?" Joe asked.

"When I was a little girl, we would often visit my grandparents. I loved to sit on my grandfather's knee, and he would tell me a story or bounce me. I was very close to my grandfather. After dinner, he would take his 'medicine' I was much older when I learned the shots he took, were Kentucky's finest. I was never allowed to touch his 'medicine' of course, but when I would sit with him, grandma would bring us a plate of Fig Newtons and a glass of milk for me." Rita had a far off look on her face as she told the story.


"I don't know. I don't even know anyone, other than you, who knows that story." Rita said.

"That's why," Joe said softly.

"Why what? Why was I frozen? Yeah. He got to me. It was strange enough to know who we were at the door, and then for him to have his hats on display for us. Your coffee and the figs put me over the top for a few. Sorry. Thanks for covering for me. I will prepare myself better next time."

"No worries. Partners, right?" Joe put his fist out for a bump.

Rita tilted her head, looked Joe in the eyes, and said, "Yeah, partners."

Rita's phone rang.

"Frank. What did you find out? Wait, I am going to put you on speaker. OK go."

Frank's voice came out of the phone sounding excited, "There are nine domestic calls on the Wilkes'. Never any charges but there are a few trips to the hospital. Rumor has it these were severe beatings she got, but I can't get those hospital records. Sorry. There was an incident a few months back where Dave got into a bar fight. I guess it was ugly and the guy he beat up said someday he would kill Dave. No arrests. Guy's name is Mike Craig. I have his address if you want it?"

"Yes, send it to my phone. How about our boy here?"

"If I might say Dave was not a nice guy. If you ask me the world is a better place now without him."

"I agree, but we can't say that out loud," Rita commented, "now, Mr. Oliver?"

"OK. Mr. Oliver. Not much to find. No current driver's license. He appears to have been at that address for only a year. I can't find anything before that. It's like he didn't exist. He has two credit cards he never uses.

"He does have a current passport, and it seems he leaves the country every so often. No set pattern, no countries stand out, all random. No country back to back. Dates appear random as well — a few odd jobs here over the past year but nothing for more than a week or two.

"When I was at the academy, we had this speaker come in and give a talk. He was talking about deep diving someone, so for fun, I decided to deep dive the speaker. What I turned up was a lot like Mr. Oliver. It turns out my instructor was a spook. False name and the works. I don't know what it all means, but I think Mr. Oliver is not who he says he is."

"Nice job kid," Rita said. "I mean it, nice job. Now go back, and one by one go through the records and match dates and cities. Any place he has traveled. Then I want you to scour news headlines for murders or robberies in those cities. Remember all cities have many crimes look for the outlier. Politicians, business leaders, important people or big heists, those kinds of things. Can you do that?"

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