Ollie's Spa

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Rita drove around for a few hours' thinking. She was trying to decide what she wanted to do now that she wasn't on the job. It was close to five when Rita stopped at her apartment. She watered the plants and looked around. It was a depressing apartment. Her life was sad, and she no longer wanted it to be that way. A smile slowly came to her face; she went to pack a bag.

She arrived at his door a little after six. Before she could knock the door opened, and Ollie was standing there looking all crisp in his brown trousers, as he calls them, and a white button-up shirt. God, he's handsome. Not a hair on his head was out of place, and he appeared freshly shaven. Ollie didn't say anything, and neither did Rita. She just threw her bag to the side of the door and hugged Ollie for all she was worth. Rita had her face pressed up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and inhaling the scent of him. Making her feel warm, safe, alive. The tears had started without her even being aware.

Ollie held her tightly and finally let go to take her hand. He led her through the bedroom and into the bathroom where he started the tub filling. Rita stood like a stone statue, not knowing what to do or what to say.

Ollie finished lighting the candles and then came to stand in front of Rita. He slowly took her windbreaker off and neatly folded it and put it on the sink. Ollie gently raised Rita's arms and untucked her blouse. He lowered her arms and then slowly unbuttoned the buttons starting at the bottom and working upwards.

Rita watched in fascination. She quivered when the hairs on the back of his hands came in contact with the skin on her belly. Do I want this? Whatever this is. Her mind said no, but her body's response said yes. When he unbuttoned her blouse entirely, she expected him to take it off, but he didn't.

Ollie stared into Rita's eyes, and when she started to speak, he only faintly whispered, "Shh."

Ollie took hold of the front of her jeans and undid the button. He slowly unzipped the pants, and she gasped as the back of his fingers barely touched her panties. She had responses she hadn't had since Tony's death. Rita was aching in spots she had long thought dead.

Ollie finished unzipping her fly all the while looking directly into her eyes; He smiled that cat ate the bird smile, turned to check the water, added something, and said, "Enjoy the bath," on his way out the door.

Damn, Rita thought, what the hell was that!

Rita was turned on and wanted more. She thought about following him, but the scent of lavender coming from the tub and candles called to her.

Rita finished undressing and climbed into the tub. The combination of the warm water and the candles burning caused Rita to relax to a point she hadn't in a long, long time. She leaned back in the tub and slowly moved her hand on the surface of the water, causing the bubbles to move to and fro.

Rita settled her head back on the towel Ollie had rolled and left for her. She closed her eyes and felt all the weariness leave her body.

Rita didn't hear Ollie enter only sensed his presence. Rita opened her eyes and watched as he slowly unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up to his elbows. He gently pulled his pant legs up as he kneeled next to the tub near Rita's head.

Ollie never said a word only stared into Rita's eyes as he took a soft bath mitt and covered his hand. After dipping his hand in the water, he started softly rubbing the glove on the sides and front of Rita's neck. She closed her eyes and tilted her head first to the left and then to the right as he rubbed her neck. Slow and gentle always getting the mitt wet again as it would cool. He was never touching but getting dangerously close to her breasts.

When he had finished washing her neck, arms, and legs where he could touch without compromising Rita's modesty, he motioned for her to sit forward so he could do her back.

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