Detective Joe?

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"Captain, you wanted to see me?" Joe said as he knocked on the door.

"Yes, please come in and call me Dan. Sit, please. Rita has told me about you, and I want you to take the test to get your shield."

"Thank you, sir I...."


Joe chuckled. "I had to fight this very thing with Rita. I suppose I could call you Miss...."

"Don't finish that statement. Dan, only. Got it!"

"Yes. Can I ask, have you heard from Rita?"

"No, damn it. On the bright side, she hasn't shown up here. I told her to take some time off, but I never thought she would."

Laughing, Joe said, "Me either. I am worried about her cap... Dan."

Dan nodded at my correction. "Better. I am worried as well. You know about her last partner getting killed."

"Yes, although she won't talk about it. Did something happen?"

Dan was quiet before saying, "Don't ask, and for God's sake leave it alone."

"Ok. For Rita's sake, I will," Joe said.

"Good, now about this test."

"I won't tell you I haven't thought about it. I am due back to my regular shift tomorrow, but I have enjoyed my time here."

"Then it's settled. The test is next week. And you aren't going anywhere. I want you to check into something for me. Here."

Joe took the file that Dan handed over the desk and opened it. Joe read the first page and then looked up. "Is this for real?"

"Yes. And I want you to make it your priority."

"I understand, but how did this woman get exposed to Dimethyl mercury?"

"I don't know, but I want you to find out. There is a connection between this woman and the bank job. I know it. Maybe between Wilkes and her or the killer but find the damn connection and hurry. I got the Mayor riding up my ass, and I want to wrap this up."

"I will certainly stay on. Is it alright if I work with Frank?" Joe hesitated, "do you want me to fill Rita in on this?"

"No. If she calls you, tell her to talk to me."

"All right, and Captain about me getting a shield, let me talk it over with my wife, Abby."

"I already put your name in, but you can say no of course. Better pay and benefits but the hours suck."

"My boys are in college so the money would be nice, but still Abby's going to chew my ears off."

Laughing, Dan said, "That's it when all else fails, bribe her. Now get to work."

Joe was shaking his head as he left Dan's office. "Oh, she's going to be pissed for sure."


Ollie held Rita long after she stopped crying and it was only after the sunset they got in the car to head back.

Rita loved hearing the car start and hum with a power you could embrace. Ollie pulled out onto the highway, smoothly shifting through the gears, and the car quickly gained speed.

The top was up, and Ollie no longer had his sunglasses on. He is so handsome. Why is he with me? Why is he here? No, I don't want to know, Rita thought.

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