Let Us Go For A Drive

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Rita was halfway down the steps when she said, "Wait, I didn't think you had a car."

"I have a car; it is parked out front right now," Ollie responded.

"But you don't have a license."

To that, Ollie only smiled.

Damn it. Of course, he has a license. It's in another name, she realized.

When Rita opened the door to the street, in front of the apartment sat a vintage Alpha Romeo Spider. It was cherry red with the top already rolled down. The fresh polish showed brightly in the sunlight. "That's your car?"

Smiling, Ollie said, "Yes."

Ollie moved ahead and opened the passenger door for Rita.

Rita noticed in the back seat was a small duffle bag and the same picnic basket she had seen before.

"Where are we going?"

"For a drive."

Rita looked in the back seat. "Yes, but where?"

Ollie started the car with a roar, and then it hummed like a kitten. Rita could feel the power the car possessed. This certainly is not like my Toyota. She smiled.

"The colors have started turning in the mountains. I thought we would have a late lunch or early supper. In the bag are some extra clothes in case it gets chilly," Ollie said as he put the car in first and slowly let out the clutch.

Rita leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and felt the acceleration. She felt... free.

After they were out of town and on the highway, Ollie looked over at Rita. She had a smile on her face like Ollie had not seen often. Her hair was blowing in the wind, and her rose-colored blouse fluttered. "You look very... content."

Rita opened her eyes and looked at Ollie. "I am. I haven't had a nightmare in three nights."

"That's because I am such a good lover," Ollie chuckled.

Rita rolled her eyes, "You're such an ass," but chuckled as well. "Can I ask a question?"

"Sure. The sun is out, and I am in the presence of such rare beauty as you. Of course, you can ask me anything, but I will not answer anything I do not want to answer," Ollie said.

Rita looked over at Ollie's profile. His silver hair was lightly moving in the wind. He had an English nose and was handsome; no distinguished would be a better word. He looked for all the world to be at home, but then he always looked that way.

"Were you ever lonely?"

Ollie looked over, catching Rita's eyes. He held them for an instant before looking back at the road.

The smile left his face like he remembered something.

"Feelings were discouraged at school. After, well, you get used to not feeling anything."

"Okay, but when you were little, surely you had feelings."

"Yes. I can remember on my tenth birthday having sad thoughts. We could not receive mail or phone calls. Presents or packages were not an option at all. I guess I felt sad I had no one to share my day."

"How about your brother?"

"He was off somewhere. I knew if I stayed in my den, I would cry, so I went for a walk. My hope was I could get control before anyone saw me."

"What happened?"

"I almost made it to the woods when three members from den five found me crying."

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