19 | ignite

368 40 38

━ DECEMBER, 2022 ━

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           "SO DO YOU think you'll be able to submit this before the deadline, class? Because I don't clearly remember the last time y'all did. It's either an hour before 11:59 or dot 11:59 ─ just a minute, I need to take this call" Professor Greer lets out a frustrated sigh, tucking back a loose curl and walking out of the lecture hall in heavy steps. For a faculty member who had joined only two months ago, she sure seemed pretty experienced. Or maybe it was just the way she carried herself ─ calm, mature and a face that read I- tolerate-no-nonsense.

          I absentmindedly doodle another daisy on the corner of the blank white page of my notebook, earning a chuckle from Abby. Unlike me, she actually put her notebooks to use. While I preferred typing out everything the Professor said on a Google Document, she would undoubtedly choose the pen and paper. Often times she would urge me to get rid of that habit and although I knew she was right, I simply couldn't bring myself to do it.

          "It's just an elective paper, I don't even know why the fuck I'm in this class anymore" Katherine mumbles angrily from beside me, still groggy from the lack of sleep and the fact that Environmental Law happened to be the only morning lecture in her entire schedule that she shared with myself and Abigail.

        "She's just doing her job, Kat" I shrug, having developed a certain admiration for Professor Greer, who's back again at the platform, adjusting her thin rimmed glasses.

        "She's gorgeous isn't she?" Abigail whispers, as if on cue. I nod, straightening myself as the digital clock on the wall signals it's time for the lecture to be over.

       "Fun fact, she's from Egypt who did her schooling in Australia, went to college somewhere in Asia, worked in Brazil for a year before landing this job in Yale. Oh, and her full name is Audrey Greer" Katherine states, eyes glued to her laptop screen.

       "Jesus, for someone who wasn't even awake a minute ago, you sure know way too many facts about this lady" Abby snorts and my roommate shoots an annoyed glare in her direction.

       "I merely stalked her on LinkedIn guys" She retorts and before we could continue the conversation, said Professor taps thrice on the microphone to get back our attention.

       "Class is dismissed. And I'll be happy if y'all try to turn in your assignments on time for once. Thank you" The cocoa skinned lady declares before hurriedly collecting her files and storming out of the hall. The three of us simultaneously release a sigh.

        A good fifteen minutes later, we're shivering in the bitter cold, waiting in line to get a Starbucks holiday drink. Apparently, they've introduced some new frappes this season and it went viral on Tiktok only recently, hence the crowd.

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