Sakamoto Tatsuma

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I still remember that dreadful day an idiotic whirlwind attacked our life and the peace was at stake again exactly after five months from Zura joining. It has a name Sakamoto Tatsuma. A really expensive looking car stopped by one day and a butler got out of that God vehicle as none of us till then saw a thing called car named it, then my hate incarnate Takasugi told that it is  a car and we just made faces at him. A small kid got out of it as the butler(also info provided by that excuse of a human being) opened the door for him with a blinding smile on his face. We all jumped off the tree we were sitting on and made our way in the direction they were headed.

"Little master wanted to attend this school and is very enthusiastic about it. He was in the military academy elite till now and decided to be here now" said the butler to my father

We all entered the room and stood beside my dad. I peeped from behind my dad and then I saw that kid bending to the side and looking, at me.

There were voices in the background and out of nowhere:

"I am going to marry you, wifey" an eerie silence just crept through that entire room and I can just feel something or someone burning in purple light beside me and I saw a dark ball zoom through and boooffff...Next thing I know Tatsuma is on the ground and this idiot of a being Takasugi is on top of him in the process of breaking his nose.

"See... Scary people, I told you"  said Gin as he made his way to break the fight.

And the weirdest part of this scene is not the fight but the lunatic on the ground having a fit of laughter. That is when I realized that there is a 98.9% chance that his father just dumped this crazy idiot on us.

If airheads have airheads that is Tatsuma. He is clumsy, ditzy and all the time out of this world. He just makes you spend time with him if he wants to. And he calls me wifey just when Takasugi is around. I never understood why at that time and then gets into a fight. Though I am ashamed to admit it I had a teeensy really tiny crush on him. Tatsuma joined and if there is a thing called popular kid in temple school then that was him. He is a genius though even I have to admit it for his age. Good at everything he does. He found all these new types of games and we played together a lot mostly he made me play mom and dad games for what I realized the reason in my adulthood that a**hole and whenever we did that I heard certain breakage sounds which still is a mystery. He has this thing his laugh, it is the most stupid one you will ever hear with which you will light up instantly and also will be annoyed in seconds.

Tatsuma is a breath of fresh air. But he left the school after 5 years for his father's health issues and he promised me that he will be back which I did not ask to *cough* *cough*. That never happened though as his family moved away. Until later years he never showed up.

He was my ray of innocence and he still is.

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