4) Leif x Reader | Cat and Mouse

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Synopsis/ Author's note: (The reader is basically Ava in this oneshot) Perhaps taking in a cohort of daemos isn't what you expected to be doing this weekend, but you learned to live with it. That is, until a certain daemos decides to play a game of cat and mouse with you... (Consent is important, kids)

Word count: 1629

Leif was a daemos of many desires, and he knew exactly what he wanted: you. Put it simply, he was a casanova -- a womanizer. One look into his deep-set pools of aquamarine and girls would be putty in his hands. But not you. Something about you was different, something indescribable. You were not impressed by his many charms -- you had priorities. The grinding gears of life were constantly turning, after all, the gears spare no one.

You had him mesmerized. Leif fell for everything about you: your face, your body, and your aura, he wanted it all. Of course, Leif didn't mean to fall under your spell, there was just something so captivating about you, something that even he couldn't quite pinpoint. But you never seemed to notice, or even care. Your attention was shared among the daemos cohort, after all.

Today was no different, your attention was focused on a daemos, but not Leif. You were, yet again, arguing with Rhys about a minuscule matter. Apparently one box of ice cream wasn't enough to please this intellectual.

"Rhys, you can't have so much ice cream in one day! Literally no one on the face of this earth can tolerate that much sugar!" You clapped your hands, emphasizing your point while charging at him. Rhys bolted out of the kitchen, ice cream box in hand.

"Sorceress, you're forgetting that I'm not from earth!" The ice-cream-high daemos yelled back, picking up his pace. You cringed, thinking of how naïve Rhys sounded.

"RHYS THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!" You cornered him. "Now, hand over the ice cream." You extended your hand impatiently. But, oh no, he was NOT going down without a fight. Before you knew it, you were face-to-face with him. His hands were high in the air, dangling the box. And damn was he tall. Even on your tippy-toes, you were just a few inches shy of his reach. You groaned in annoyance.

A wicked idea flew into your head. From previous experience, you knew a daemos's weakness: their horns. "Fine, then we'll have to do this the hard way..." your hand ever-so-slightly grazed the intellectual's left horn, causing him to flinch as a reflex, while simultaneously dropping the ice cream box. Feigning your innocence, you reached into your pocket to pull out a bright crimson-colored Crayola pen. Your plan? Draw on the box and trick Rhys into thinking that it was a seal. "I'll do it, Rhys. I'll seal the box! If I do, whoever opens it without permission dies...." you flashed him a glare. Needless to say, he was horrified. He begged for your mercy, and you gave your mercy to him.

Leif noticed Rhys's proximity to you. That daemos was too close to you for Leif's comfort. Perhaps after this, he could strike up a conversation with you. He wanted your attention that he was so deprived of. He knew he had to get it somehow...

Much to Leif's chagrin, he wasn't able to. An incoherent "A-HA" and "I'VE FOUND IT!" Bellowed throughout the apartment. You cringed again. From the sound of it, Asch was rummaging through your room again. Yet another groan of annoyance escaped your mouth as you bolted towards the noise. Your suspicions were correct: Asch was in your room, sifting throug— your underwear draw? Fuc- not this bulls- OH MY GOSH!!! Asch charged a fireball at the pile of lingerie on the floor. You had already spent a fortune on bras, as the daemos prince was so adamant on 'destroying your source of power'.

"ASCH! PUT MY BRAS DOWN! I NEED THEM!!!" You bolted behind him pulled him into an embrace, effectively stopping him from burning your undergarments. There was no physical barrier between the two of you... only the cloth of his cape kept you away from the curve of his back. And damn, was he muscular. An awkward silence instilled between the two of you. You feared that if you let him go, another batch of your undergarments would fall victim to Asch's fiery wrath. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to pull him into an embrace... "The more you destroy, the more power sources will regenerate, your highness..." You let the prince go as he turned around to meet you in the eyes.

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