7) Rhys x Reader (smut) | preview

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A/n: The All Daemos x Reader is taking longer than anticipated so Here's a preview of another one shot that I've prepared for you

" What exactly is intimacy?" He asked. You smirked.

"I'll show you..."

The clock ticked steadily into the night as your lips met his. A surge of energy washed over you as Rhys's hands pulled you closer. How did you two end up like this? It was hard to tell, your mind was hazy and all you could focus on was him. This daemos was all that mattered to you right now.

Rhys licked your lips asking for entry and you obliged instantly. You let out a soft "Ah" as his hands searched your body. He tugged at you before backing you into the kitchen island. It was obvious that he wanted you here and now. The daemos began to lift you onto the counter without breaking contact. His lips finally left yours as you inhaled the precious oxygen.

You were getting impatient... you tugged at his vest and collared shirt, indicating that you wanted them off, now. He wasn't going to give in that easily...

"Please..." you begged as he lifted his clothes slightly. "I want you." You locked eyes with Rhys before he gave you a kiss and a smirk.

"Work for it." He growled into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You stripped for him, down to your undergarments. And he did the same, removing his sweater and button down.

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