10)Leif x Reader | Greedy

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synopsis: The heiress to one of the largest companies in the United States is a player, and Leif has some things to say about that.

Genre: slow burn(ish) with happy ending

Word Count: 1563

From the moment he laid eyes on you when you paid a visit to Ava, he was head-over-heals. You were different from Ava: you exuded luxury and poise. But you were still down to earth. That's when he learned: as the heiress to T&C Incorporated, you lived a life of luxury. Expensive cars? Designer apparel? Credit cards without limits? You had it all: brains and beauty. This baffled Leif. How could he get you to see him? He had nothing to offer. You were too perfect. Or so he thought.

You had a certain habit... you were a heartbreaker, just like him. You had everything you wanted, you could buy anything you wanted. But you never asked for this. Your parents were always buried in work: Your father being the current Chief Executive Officer, and your mother being the Chief Financial Officer. To be fair, you knew they loved you and spoiled you with riches, but you wanted their attention.

Thus you also buried yourself in a different type of attention: attention from boys. And you were greedy for it.

You sought comfort in your good friend Ava, who never judged you. She was like you, in a few ways, especially when it came to friendship. Both of you found it hard to socialize. That's when you met Leif: the feisty and bold Daemos. For some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to flirt with him. The other Daemos? No problem, you could make them dance in the palm of your hand if you wanted to. But Leif? Different story. You just couldn't bring yourself to do it.

Leif took notice of the change in behavior between the other Daemos and him. It was as if you had no interest in him. Untrue! It was the opposite! The way your heart pounded whenever he talked to you, the way the heat flushed to you cheeks when your eyes met his. It was the budding of a new crush.

Would he feel the same way? you thought to yourself as Ava came out of the kitchen with two glasses in hand.

"Fruit punch?" Ava handed one glass to you. "It's no Lacroix but it's good!" She laughed.

You chuckled with her. "Ava, you know I don't care about that as long as it's food!" The two of you shared a laugh as the Daemos filtered into the kitchen, Leif among them. Ava greeted them, and you followed.

Small-talk echoed throughout the kitchen. Everyone was accounted for, all except for Leif. He sat on the couch, staring out into the city skyline. You excused yourself from the conversation you were having with Asch and shot him a wink as you made your way to Leif.

"Hey!" you smiled. "This seat taken?" you pointed to the cushion next to Leif

"Hey...." he replied in a lackluster tone.

"something wrong? you seem lonely"

"Lonely is right... though you wouldn't understand," He turned away without looking you in the eye. You'd be lying if you said you weren't hurt by that. Still, you persisted.

"Well, I won't ever under understand if you don't tell me what's bothering you," you stated.

"It's nothing."

"Leif, I understand if you don't want to tell me anything, but just know that I'm here to listen." you smiled.

Something inside of Leif began to stir. His insides were boiling in a broth of anger and envy. "Just. Shut. Up. You privileged attention seeking bi*ch!" You couldn't help but blink, dumbfounded.

The others turned to face you.. Unsure about what to say next, you sighed and left the couch. Ava ran up to you. Needless to say, you wouldn't be talking to Leif anytime soon.

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