12)Asch x Reader | Whiskey & Jealousy

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Synopsis: after your promotion, you go out drinking with Jake. Asch doesn't take it very well.

Word count: 488

Author's note: It's been a while hasn't it? This is a writing exercise I did. Fluff, but keep it under 500 words. Please enjoy! My next update might take some time. It's an Asch x Reader x Pierce that takes place before the magic crisis. (I might also update the cover so—)


You couldn't believe it! Out of all the daemos in the gang, you just had to fall for the hot-headed daemos prince! It just had to be him. Perhaps it was his muscular body, or raspy voice. You didn't know.

All throughout work, you thought of the prince. And when you came back? You still did...

You lay face-down on your bed burying your face in the pillows. All you could think about was him.


Your phone buzzed, as your boss's contact illuminated your screen.

Boss: "hey y/n! I'm promoting you to senior advisor. Sorry I can't tell you in person!"

You punched the air in excitement, immediately searching for your landlord-friend's contact and began typing: "guess what! Ya girl got promoted!!!!"

A reply came quickly: "congratulations! Are you going to celebrate?" You pondered on his question for a while. Did this warrant a celebration? Before you could give it any more thought, another reply came: "drinks on me?" A smile crept up your face. Drinks did sound nice...

So here you are now. out drinking with Jake and celebrating your promotion. Perhaps you had a little too much to drink... and so here you were, leaning your body weight against Jake for support as he led you to your apartment. His surprisingly strong arms propped you up as you wobbled into your apartment.

"Jake~ thabk Yoy" a slurred 'thank you' slipped its way out of your mouth. He sighed before carrying you inside.

Asch witnessed the entire scene unfold before his eyes: you being a bumbling mess, in the arms of another man. It made Asch's blood boil. Finally, when Jake left, Asch revealed himself to you.

"Oh~ hi handsome man~" in your drunken state, you extended a hand towards Asch's horns. "Wow~ what are these?" The prince's breath hitched as unfamiliar sensations spread throughout his body. He quickly grabbed your hand, removing it from his horns.

"Y/n, hold still." Asch put two fingers between your forehead. Magic began to flow through his hand as you felt the alcohol leave your body. It was a trick that the daemos prince had picked up from Rahl when he'd drink himself out . "Now tell me, prisoner, why were you with that man?"

"It's a human thing to gather with your friends..." you shrugged it off as the grip on your hand tightened.

"I don't like it when you 'hang' with other men, Y/n" the prince spoke up.

"And why would you care?" You scoffed at him.

After a moment of silence, Asch took your chin in his hand and leaned in. "What if I said I liked you?"

"Hah," you flushed. "Prove it." You dared him.

You found yourself pushed up against the wall. Face-to-face with the daemos prince, his hand grazing your outer thighs, he whispered in your ear: "as you wish, princess..." as his lips connected with yours.

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