6) Noi x Reader (x Pierce?) | Chasing Hope

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synopsis: Noi: the daemos of your dreams... he was never meant to be yours... and you knew that.

Word count: 846

Genre: Slow Burn Angst

Noi was, simply put, adorable. His laugh radiated an energy that comforted you. His smile lit up the room... It was evident that this wasn't just a crush anymore. There was something more to your feelings towards Noi. It wasn't exactly love, nor could it be considered infatuation. Something about it just felt so right. But his eyes weren't on you; no. They were on Ava.

You had to admit, it hurt you to see them together. But it was fine, your friendship with Ava meant more to you than your feelings for Noi. But how long could that last? Seeing the two of them together slowly chipped away at your resistance.

It was an ordinary saturday evening. Your friends had dragged you out of seclusion, they had noticed that you were silent recently and wanted to cheer you up. The day started out great, you and your friends went crazy at your favorite stores and filmed each other clowning around. But you couldn't help but pay mind to a certain thought lingering within your consciousness. Every time you passed an advertisement selling a product of sorts, you couldn't help but reminded of him.

It was a battle between your brain and your heart. Something within you still clung to the last sting of hope that maybe, just maybe someone like you could end up with the daemos that you had fallen for. Yet, you knew that Noi's heart was in Ava's hands. This was out of your control. You had to move on now.

There was no denying the chemistry between Ava and Noi, and it hurt you deeply. You had always been there for the daemos, from when he burned his hand on the heat box, to when he caught his horns on a bush -- you still couldn't figure out how the hell he ended up in that situation.

But there was something in his eyes that sparked when he set eyes on your roommate. It was love. He fell in love...

"Cheers!" One of your friends raised a glass. Her words brought you back to reality. You looked around the brightly lit restaurant as your friends joined in on the toast. "To a wonderful and prosperous life!" Your friend continued as you hesitantly raised your champagne flute.

"A Toast!" You chanted before downing the entire glass. At that moment, you heard a familiar laugh: Ava. You whipped your head toward the source of the laughter. You felt your heart break. They looked so... happy... you could never gather up your courage and tell him your feelings... maybe... just maybe... if you told him about your feelings sooner, he could have been yours..

You promised yourself that you wouldn't cry. There was no need to, it was a silly crush, after all. Or so you thought... normally, you wouldn't be bothered by the sight of Ava and Noi together, but today was different. The reality set in, you would never have him... it wasn't meant to be.

After all, Ava was the protagonist of this narrative. You were only the sidekick, the disposable one...

You hated the feeling...

You arrived home. As soon as you passed the threshold, something inside you collapsed, you couldn't take it anymore, you broke down. Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks. You had to cry, let it out. But not in here, you didn't need anyone witnessing your mental breakdown. without thinking you did something foolish: you ran into the daemos' common room and proceeded into the many hallways. The sound of your heels clanking against the floor echoed throughout until you found a place to sulk in.

You backed against the wall and slid down, hugging your knees to your chest. The tears began to fall.

You heard footsteps. They were faint at first, but they eventually echoed louder and louder. You looked up to come face-to-face with none other than the blue-horned daemos: Pierce.

His expression was one of shock and confusion as you made eye-contact with him. His face softened as he sat next to you. Pierce didn't question you, he simply brought a hand up to your head, gently patting your hair as the tears rolled down your cheeks. He knew why you were crying... his observant nature and intuition meant that he was often right about things; this was no exception.

"Shh..." he pulled you into his chest. You felt his warm arms wrap around your figure. His strong grip held you tight in his grasp as you cried your heart out.

"I'm... sorry..." you hiccuped. Pierce said nothing, he only embraced you tighter. He wanted to let you know that you were loved... albeit, not romantic love, but platonic love.... (or perhaps that's what you thought). Whatever it was, you felt it: he cared for you. And that's all you needed right now: a someone to hold you as you wallowed in your sorrows...

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