3) Asch x Reader (pt. 1) | Freedom

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Synopsis/ Author's note: You were close with the prince of Daemos. In fact, he was in love with you. Key word: was. This is an angst fic that I was challenged to write. Having some writer's block and wanted to create a less than 500 word fic as an exercise. Requests are being worked on, FYI.

Word Count: 495

Asch, prince of Daemos & second in line for the throne, has never fallen in love before; And does not plan to do so any time soon. Everyone knew it, he cared too much for his kingdom to completely absorb himself into such selfish endeavours. That was before you came into his life. There was something about you, something that Asch couldn't name; but somewhere deep down, somewhere inside his soul, he knew: you were the one.

The daemos prince fell in love with you, and he fell hard. He felt vulnerable around you; his cold façade melted when you were with him. It was now clear: he wanted you, body and soul. To him, you were his everything...

It was a seemingly normal night for the daemos prince. As he wandered the dimly lit halls of the castle, he spotted you, out on a balcony staring mindlessly into the distance. Something was on your mind... Asch stepped closer to you, his mind hazy from the sight of you. Your presence was intoxicating, you were his drug. Asch's thoughts were interrupted by your voice.

"Oh, Prince Asch! I assume that your meeting went well?" You smiled. The prince glanced down at his feet.

"Yeah..." He lied.

"Stop lying, I Know that the crisis is getting worse." You spat at him before turning back towards the balcony. There was tension in the air, both of you felt it. Perhaps to distract himself, he blurted out a question.

"What is love?" He wanted to slap himself for asking you something so stupid. His voice sent a jolt of electricity through you.

"Freedom..." You answered, turning to face Asch.

"Some of us might disagree with that."

"well, we'll just agree to disagree..." You shrugged before turning away towards your room.

"All right," He stared at your back. "Goodnight, (y/n)... I'll see you tomorrow." You stopped in your tracks. Your mind was racing, did you want to tell him? Perhaps you should foreshadow your plans?

"... I don't want to fly..." you stated, glancing back at Asch as you continued. "I want to soar. There's something more to my purpose in life, Asch, I just know it."

It was then when he realized what you meant. You were a free spirit, always looking for something more. The way you smiled, the way you moved, and the way you cared about the kingdom, Asch loved everything. He realized that you wanted to leave...

But he realized it too late. Asch raced like the wind to your room, adrenaline pumping through his veins. Perhaps if he was fast enough, he could still stop you. He wasted no time swinging your door open, but time had run out. You went out of his life as swiftly as you came into it. Your room was empty, and you were gone without a trace... gone with the wind...

He searched the room for any trace of you; but he only thing he found was a small parchment with the one word: 'Earth'...

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