9) Leif x Reader | Savior

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Synopsis: Leif has another nightmare about his past. It's up to you to comfort him.

Word count: 640

It was quiet in the apartment. The clock was ticking, and the bustling city continued to illuminate the skyline while you worked tirelessly on your Physics 101 assignment. You let out a yawn and checked your phone.

2:38 AM

Ouch, College was tougher than you had anticipated, especially physics... you heaved a sigh and left your room and headed to the kitchen. It couldn't hurt to make yourself another cup of coffee, right? There'd be another 4 hours before you would finish studying for your exams. Or maybe you should call it a night? Perhaps against your better judgement, you decided to turn the Keurig machine on and brewed a fresh latté. The aroma wafted through the kitchen as your eyes scanned the living room. You stopped at the red marker by where the Daemos resided.

"Not good! Not good!" A voice called out through the room. It was enough to draw your focus away from the physics textbook you were reading. Noi rushed out of the wall in a panic. Tears threatened to spill down his cheeks as he ran to you. His hands clutched yours. "_____(Name), please help us!" Noi choked through his tears. "It's Leif! We can't wake him!"

You coughed out your coffee in surprise. "What!?" Your eyes grew in shock as you jumped out of the chair. Noi led you through the wall and around different hallways before finally stopping in front of an open door.

The others were gathered around the bed as you heard whimpering coming from the center of the room. You rushed into there faster than the wind could carry you. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" You shouted before pushing Rhys out of the way. You took a mental note to apologize to him.

"D-don't leave... please...." Leif groaned. A nightmare... you took a deep breath before sitting down on the bedside. You remembered what your mother would do in this situation. She'd pat your head and embrace you in her arms and tell you everything's ok. She even did that for you last week when you failed your Chemistry exam.

You turned to the others. "I'll take care of him, please get some rest." You ordered them to leave so you could find a way to comfort the daemos in bed.

"Shh...." you began. "Leif, if you can hear me... I'm here for you, so please wake up and I can help you...." you softly cooed while stroking his hair. The tears flowing down his cheeks came for a stop as Leif's breathing calmed down.

It wasn't long before his eyes shot open. Leif has finally awakened from his nightmare. "Good morning, Princess," you smiled at him before turning serious. "Are you ok?" Leif shook his head before casting a glance to the floor.

"I had a nightmare..." You were well aware. "I felt so... alone..."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" You helped him sit up and shot him a look of concern. He heaved a sigh.

"When I was younger... I was abandoned... I was left to rot... I'm all alone in this world..." his voice cracked as he choked back remaining tears. You ran your hand up and down his back.

"Shh... it's ok, I'm here now. I'll listen to any concerns, any woes..."

"Then promise me... promise me you'll never leave me behind..." he shook. You pulled him into a tight embrace.

"I promise... neither will your partners leave you... we all love you..." Leif's tears continued to stream down his face as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. His hands wrapped around your figure. He was truly grateful for you: his guardian angel, his savior.... you gave him the strength to continue in this world

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