Chapter 8 - Tension

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"She needs to know how to use a weapon." Rick paused, crossing his arms. He looked back to me, offering no kind of explanation at all.

"Oh yeah. Of course, Rick." Shane chuckled lightly at his own use of sarcasm. "Y'know, let's just teach her how to kill us all."

He threw his spoon into the bowl angrily, before placing it on the ground and standing from the camper chair.

"You seem to have a death wish," Shane said, standing over the slightly shorter, and slightly leaner Rick. He was very intimidating. Nevertheless, Rick stood his ground, his blue eyes burning into Shane's angrily. I had noticed some people were beginning to mill around us, probably flocking to see what was going on.

I didn't like the way this man was making me seem. As if I would ever think about hurting any of these people. I didn't even ask for lessons on how to use weapons, as I was still under the impression they were waiting to kill Randall and I.

"You brought these people here, to our home, and you expect everyone to stop what they're doing and teach this little bitch how to shoot us in the head?"

"I didn't say anything about shooting. She needs to know how to hunt, and how to kill walkers, or she won't survive," Rick reasoned calmly.

I won't survive? What did he mean?

"Tell me how that's my problem," Shane spat, glancing at me briefly with his dark eyes.

"Wait," I whispered. Andrea squeezed my arm tightly, as both men snapped their heads in my direction. "What won't I survive?"

There was a silence, and the few people surrounding the little argument let out frustrated sighs, and deep breaths.

I noticed the short-haired girl who embraced Glenn when I first arrived. She had her hand over her mouth, watching with tired eyes. Beside her was the dark haired woman who I assumed was Rick's partner.

"Man, what is she even doing out here?" Shane broke the silence, angrily rubbing his forehead.

"I told you, she needs to learn this stuff if we're going to send her out on her own."

On my own?

"And why are you asking me? I have better things to do with my time." Shane turned to the rest of the small gathering of people. "Like, I don't know, actually doing something to protect this group?"

The dark haired woman lifter her head towards Shane, her eyes boring into his.

"Rick has done a lot for this group. And don't you ever say otherwise," The woman snapped. Her tone was venomous, a lot more aggressive than what felt appropriate at that point.

I just wanted my question answered. I hated the idea of not knowing my fate, not knowing what was going to happen when everyone around me does.

"Shane, all I'm asking is for you to spare an hour for the next three days. Just take this girl out to the forest and teach her to hunt."

So far I'd learnt that instead of killing me, they were going to send me out on my own.

It didn't seem as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'd find Jane, and we would be safe at camp. It would take us a long time to mourn Dave, but we'd survive together. We'd both be alive.

"I'm not going to." Shane shook his head in refusal. "I'm not."

He turned away from the small group, which now included that man with the crossbow. He always seemed to go by unnoticed by me, until I'd look over his shoulder and see the wire catch of his weapon.

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