Chapter 5

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Hadley had been at hogwarts for a few months now and she was enjoying it. Her classes were fun, her teachers were nice, her friends were great. Well, aside from professor snape and his class. Hadley probably would have loved potions but snape was an evil, biased, douchebag.

The first thing he said to her was potionspeak for 'I deeply regret lily's death'. She had a feeling she knew why. Given his bipolar attitude toward her, hadley guessed that he liked lily even though they werent soulmates and as such couldn't decide how to feel about hadley.

She decided to bring up his behavior to her dad and see what he thought about it. Hopefully tony would bring it up to minnie and then they'd get him fired. I mean everyone else hates him too. His behavior shouldn't be allowed if he is to be a school teacher.

the only other teacher hadley hated was professor quirrel. Something wasn't right about him. She always got headaches after being around him for a certain extent of time. And that stutter is so obviously fake she's not sure how no ones noticed yet.

Hadley pushed the thought away to think on later. Something she had begun to notice was that students and teachers alike had been referring to the friend group of elle, Ly, Lun, Dray, and Mione as 'the quintet'. It wasn't horrible but she decided to come up with a better name soon.

Hadley had also been learning about her mother and father from minnie. She heard the stories of the marauders adventures and how, though minnie never told them, she knew that james and sirius had become unregistered animagus so they could help remus through his werewolf transformations.

Hadley was proud that her godfather and father had done all that for her uncle even when they were just 13. Hadley thought that being an animagus sounded cool and decided to bring up the idea to her friends later. Until then she was content just to relax in the common room.

however before she could, quirrel got even more suspicious. She decided to investigate and the rest of the elite joined her. Not much was found at first but as the year dragged on more and more clues were being pieced together. They decided to take a break during their time off from school and planned a get-together.

Since hermione and her parents had recently moved to malibu they only had to worry about how to get draco, lyra, and luna there. Especially because draco would no doubt be disowned by his parents for not being in slytherin and would need someplace to stay. Eventually they came up with a plan.

Draco and luna would stay the night with lyra and the following morning they would meet up with the starks to fly back to california. The elite (as they were now called) even invited lyra's brothers along as well. Despite the large amount of people they did all fit in the private stark plane. Then again the "plane" is large enough that you could call it an actual house.

The "stark family flighter" as tony named it (he was drunk so ignore how crappy the name is) was so huge it had a small kitchen, a lounge, a master bedroom, and two guest rooms all inside it. Each guest room contained single bunk beds, a closet/ dresser, and a medium sized bathroom.

 Each guest room contained single bunk beds, a closet/ dresser, and a medium sized bathroom

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Overall it was a humongous plane so there was plenty of room for everyone to come. So for the first two weeks of christmas break the elite (and two honorary members) had the time of their life in malibu. While they were having fun in california, professor quirrel was in hogwarts and preparing to steal the sorcerer's stone.

Hadley Potter-StarkWhere stories live. Discover now