Forever (Ike x Reader)

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Requested by @Kitsunegodess_mania

Your P.o.V

Yesterday, I got summoned by Alfonse.

"Urgh, wh-where am I?" I asked
"You're in the kingdom of Askr." I heard a masculine voice say and I jumped. "EEK!" I shouted and I turned to see a man with navy blue hair and blue-ish green eyes. "EEEKK!" I squealed and I crouched down and buried my face in my hands. "Er... Is there something wrong?" Alfonse asked and then I heard a feminine voice
"She must be scared of boys. I think you should go.". I heard the man's footsteps go and then fade, but I still kept my face in my hands. "Um... The man is not here anymore.". I lifted my head out of my arms and I saw a female with red hair. "Um... Wh-Who are you?" I asked
"My name is Anna. The male you just met was called Alfonse. Or Prince Alfonse. He's a kind man. Trust me." The female called Anna smiled
"Er... My name is (Y/n)." I mumbled
"Hehe, I like the name (Y/n)." Anna smiled. "Come, I need to show you Princess Sharena." Anna gestured me to follow her, so I did.


I felt the sun's rays shine on my bed and my body. I yawned and my eyes flickered open to see the bright sun shining on my dull and tired face. I heard a knock on the door and I jumped and fell off my bed and on to the grey carpet. THUD! "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" I heard Alfonse ask and then my eyes widened. My instincts made me roll under the bed and stay there and be very quiet. "Um... Alfonse, I think you shouldn't talk too loud and I think you should leave. Remember, she's scared of boys." I heard Anna say
"But I want to talk to her." Alfonse sighed
"Fine. (Y/n), please open up. We need to talk to you." Anna begged and I sighed. Maybe Anna was right. Maybe Alfonse had a kind soul like my brother. And maybe, I should also tell Alfonse my past. Just before I got summoned, I became very good friends with Anna and I told her my story life. I told her that my father was very mean to me and he abuses me whenever he gets the chance to and that's why I'm scared of males. "F-Fine. I-I'll... I-I'll open u-up!" I stuttered and I walked towards the door and placed my hand on the doorknob. I didn't move hands, I just let them stay there until I sighed. I twisted the doorknob and barely opened the door. I rushed to my bed and cuddled my knees. "Thank you, (Y/n)." Alfonse smiled and I buried my face in my knees
"Um, (Y/n), you really need to talk to boys more often," Anna said, embarrassed
"N-No," I mumbled
"Please? What happens if one of the male heroes save you?" Anna asked
"I... I... I don't know." I mumbled
"Then please, talk to boys. We could give you a break sometime." Anna begged and I sighed. "F-Fine, I g-give up. I-I will talk t-to the b-boys." I stuttered
"Great! Just think like their your brothers." Anna winked and left the room. I glanced at Alfonse and then quickly looked back at the window. "Lovely day, isn't it?" Alfonse asked and I nodded
"D-Do you want to go outside and take a walk?" Alfonse asked and I shrugged
"I guess we can." I sighed. I heard the sound of armor move and a cape flutter. Alfonse walked up to me and held a hand out. "Come." Alfonse smiled and I looked up. It reminded me of my brother so I smiled back and held his hand. I blushed slightly and the touch but smiled. "Hehe, let's go." Alfonse chuckled and we head outside to the castle grounds. As we headed outside, I saw out of the corner of my eye, Alfonse rummaging something in his pocket and then I saw a red orb. "Um... Er, do you want to go to the summoning area? Do you have your Breidalick?" Alfonse asked and then I felt something hard fall down in my pocket. I reached through my pocket and felt this hard gun. I pulled it out and I saw a white and gold relic. "Aha, that's the Breidalick. Wait... I didn't even give that to you." Alfonse gasped, surprised
"Well, I guess I got it," I mumbled and shrugged. I walked up towards the stone platform and looked around. It was a beautiful day and the view was amazing. I smiled. My brother always takes me to the mountains. I felt my eyes tear up. I hope I go home sometime. "Right. (Y/n) can you give me the Breidalick?" Alfonse asked and I gave him the relic
"Thanks," Alfonse started to place the orbs he had into the relic and then he gave it back to me. I smiled softly and then raised the Breidalick into the air. I closed my eyes and sighed. If this was going to be a male, I better run for it or hide behind Alfonse. I triggered the relic and grey smoke emitted from the orb. I started to cough as the smoke went into my lungs but then I felt it fade. I looked up to see who I summoned and I saw a female. I sighed in relief and looked at her. "Um... Where am I?" The female asked
"Y-You are in the Kingdom of... Um..." I hesitated, thinking about what kingdom I was in
"The Kingdom of Askr. My name is Alfonse, Prince of Askr and this (Y/n), the tactician." Alfonse finished me off and I felt my face blush
"Er... Um... Askr is in need of heroes and I guess you are a hero." I mumbled. The female hesitated and laughed
"Haha, you look so cute when you blush and stutter. I bet any man would like you." Setsuna chuckled and I felt my face turn red
"Okay, right. Um... (Y/n), I'll leave the orbs with you. I'm going to take Setsuna to her room. Let's go, Setsuna." Alfonse gestured Setsuna to follow him
"Wait! Alfonse, no! What if there is a male! Alfonse!" I shouted but he couldn't hear me. He just left me be. I bit lip and turned towards the stone platform. I sighed and raised the Breidalick. I triggered it and I saw red smoke. I felt the red smoke go into my lungs and my throat squeezed. I started coughing repeatedly and I felt someone get hold of my wrist and a strong set of arms wrap around me. I doubted that this was a female but if it was, I would be very happy. "Are you okay?" I heard a masculine, mono-tone voice say. I blushed and tried to wiggle out of the male's grasp. "I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered. The male sighed and let go of me. "Where am I?" The male asked and I turned to see a man with white hair. I squealed and crouched down and buried my face in my hands
"Er... Are you alright?" I heard the male asked and then I heard footsteps come
"(Y/n)!? I heard you were summoning heroes!" Anna shouted and then she came to comfort me. "This girl is afraid of males. So... Um... What's your name?" Anna scratched the back of her neck awkwardly
"My name is Byleth. Teacher at Garreg Mach Monastery." The man called Byleth said
"Well hello, Byleth." Anna greeted
"(Y/n), Sharena is going to be here. I will escort Byleth." Anna whispered in my ear and I started to blush. Anna and Byleth left me alone. I stood up and gulped. I raised my Breidalick and triggered it.


I was nearly done with the orbs. I found out that Anna lied to me because Sharena didn't come but I think I might have been a bit comfortable with boys now. It was my last orb. I triggered my Breidalick and a lot of red smoke emitted out of it. My lungs squeezed and I felt someones strong hands pull me out of the smoke cloud. "Whoa, there (Y/n). You don't want to die now." Chrom smiled and let go of me. I blushed and looked at who I summoned. It looked like my older brother mixed Chrom. I gapped at him. I wasn't even scared of this male. I felt... Warm. "Uh... Hello? Where am I?" Asked the male
"Y-You are in A-Askr. W-We n-need h-heroes f-for t-the w-war i-in A-Askr." I stuttered
"I'm a hero?" Asked the male and I nodded
"Hehe. Well, I'll help you. May I ask what is your name?" Asked the male
"M-My n-name is (Y/n), I'm y-your tactician," I mumbled
"(Y/n)? My name is Ike." The male smiled and walked up to me. He took hold of my hand and kissed it. "I will take care of you," Ike whispered and I blushed crimson red.


I yawned as I lifted my head up from M!Robin's tactician book. I looked at the group of boys who were happily talking with each other. This group contained, Sylvain, Frederick, Seth, Dimitri, Xander, Takumi, and Ephraim who were all surrounded by females. I bit my lip and thought to myself, I should better get used to boys by now. As I was anxiously looking at the boys, someone jumped at me. "Could... Could she be one of us?" Said a female and I jumped to see Dorothea jump at me
"Wh-What!?" I shouted and I fell down where I was sitting
"Or maybe she was just too jealous at all the girls surrounding them." Said another female who was Lucina
"AH!" I squealed
"Wh-What do you mean?" I asked
"Oh, we think you like these boys!" Dorothea cheered
"M-Me like these boys? No, I-I'm scared of boys." I mumbled
"Then why did you look so worried? It looked cute." Lucina grinned and I blushed. I didn't know some certain boy was looking at me. "Hm... Maybe we should take him to a male and I might know who." Dorothea started to grin mischievously
"Hehe, yeah, I might know who you are talking about." Lucina nodded and took my hand. She dragged to Seth and I started to bite my lip so hard, it started to bleed. "N-No, I don't want to go to Seth," I mumbled
"Oh, you're not going to Seth. It's someone much flirtier." Lucina giggled and I blushed. It couldn't be Sylvain. Lucina let go of my hand and lightly pushed me towards a figure. My legs couldn't stop, so I smashed into a certain noble. "AH!" I squealed but someone's strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see my brother with navy blue hair. "Brother?" I mumbled and when my eyesight adjusted, I saw who it was. Ike. "A-Are you alright?" Ike asked and I nodded
"Whoa, (Y/n). What was that about?" Sylvain asked, a mischievous grin plastered on his face
"Lucina and Dorothea happened," I mumbled and then I tugged on Ike's hand. "Ike? Can I talk to you? Alone?" I asked
"Er... Um... Sure." Ike replied and then I took hold of Ike's hand with my two hands and pulled him towards the mass of trees away from the heroes. "What do you need?" Ike asked. I sighed and looked up at him. He looked so much like my brother. Ike snapped from staring at him "Um... (Y/n), you're staring. Did I do anything wrong to you?" Ike asked and I shook my head
"You know how I'm scared of... Males?" I asked and Ike nodded
"I'm not scared of you," I mumbled
"Why?" Ike asked
"Because you... you look like my brother. I-Is that weird?" I stuttered
"No. It isn't." Ike smiled and I smiled back softly
"I-I want someone to be by my side. Like if I'm sick or hurt. I can't always be with my brother because he'll have a wife." I mumbled
"So, I want someone to be by my side. Someone like my brother. A-And you... you are like my brother." I stuttered
"So you want me to...?" Ike stopped and then smiled
"You want me to be with you forever in your life?" Ike asked with a smile on his face
"Y-Yes," I mumbled and then I felt warm lips connect on to mine. I blushed and then Ike let go and said "Okay, I'll be with you. Forever.".

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