𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 8

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  You were currently writing some notes down in your notebook about what had happened today. You wanted to make sure you kept track of the days you spent at the palace and how you felt. It would be a good keepsake for you in the future after you left or retired, and also something good for the next generations of your family to read in order to know you and their family's past a little better. As you finished up writing, you stored the quill back into the ink pot and decided to close your notebook after you returned from the market as the ink may still be drying up.

The night sky was dark, yet the stars so far away continued to sparkle like the gems on a wealthy woman's neck. You had been waiting patiently for the emperor's supposed 'best knight'. You drummed your fingers on the table, and just before you could get up and find something new to do, you heard tapping on your window. You quickly look over to the big, glass window. You could see your reflection in it as well as the outdoors. the plants danced in the evening breeze, and the moonlight gave you the ability to see the faint outline of a knight.

His dark hair seemed to bleed into the night sky, and as you inspected him you realised that he was still wearing the same clothing as to when you first met him. His sky blue and pearly white yukata seemed to be made out of very fine material, however since he was the emperor's first knight it only made sense.

You stumble to grab your satchel, the same old one that you had brought with you from home. Yes, it wasn't the best but it was still your favourite, especially since it had meaning to you. As you wrapped the satchel around your body, you ensured that the bag of golden coins that you prepared was inside the satchel, where you had put it earlier. Now that you were all ready, you hurried to your balcony and opened the door.

As you did, the strikingly good figure of the knight stood in the door frame, causing you to stumble back. He examined your room before stating, "Your room is very feminine and cute. Who would've known there was such a thing as a cute stalker?" He pondered before looking down at you. You proceeded to shyly look back up at him, or at least, you looked at the parts of the blindfold where his eyes were meant to be.

"Follow me, we can go now." You say, doing an action with your hand as if telling him to follow after you to the other door that led out to the hallway. However, he shook his head and leaned against the door frame.

"I'm the one taking you to the market, and I'll let you know that what I'm doing might not be completely legal." He says, before tilting his head to the other side of the door frame in order to look at the stars.

"I hope you know that if we get caught, we may be killed or banished to the oceans. However, that won't happen. Since I'm the one escorting you. Now, don't be silly. We're not going to be able to sneak out easily through the main gate. We're going out the secret exit at the back." The knight tells you, before flashing you a cheeky grin and grabbing your wrist. Before you could even do anything as much as react to what he just said, he drags you along with him to the edge of your balcony.

Frightened, you grab the edge of the banister in order to prevent yourself from falling forwards with the knight as he simply leaped over the banister. However, he paused and quickly grabbed the banister, his feet gripping onto the thin edge, in order to keep himself from falling. He crouches down to your level and seems to inspect your face. "I thought you were brave. Why so shy, little flower?" He asks seriously, staring you straight in the face. Or at least, you imagined that was what he was doing from behind the blindfold.

"You just jumped off a balcony! Are you insanely suicidal, first knight? I have not lost all my strings with humanity to find it logical to just jump off a balcony!" You exclaim, your heart beating quickly from the near-death experience.

𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝. ( Yandere x Reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora