𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 16

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"My child, introduce yourself just like we practised." The Emperor's grandmother gave her words of wisdom as she neatened up the traditional red yukata that the young Emperor was wearing. "It is your sixteenth birthday, and it is finally time to meet your assistants. Ensure you show them that you are worthy of their respect." His grandmother fussed over the small details of the Emperor's appearance, gently brushing several strands of his hair back with a wooden comb.

"Ah, this just won't do. Give me one moment." His grandmother took out a thin, red ribbon and went behind the young Emperor. His eyes were relatively wide and not yet as slender as his current self, and he was several inches shorter as the way you knew him to be. The Emperor's grandmother gathered his strands of hair and tied them back with the ribbon. His hair could only reach his shoulders, in a terrible mess. "Why do you insist on cutting your hair? I had to force you to cut it last year, and it made me feel terrible." His grandmother scolded him for being so difficult.

He crossed his arms and looked off to the side with a pouty expression. "Grandmother, my hair is a part of me. Cutting off my hair is like cutting off my parents. My parents are a part of me and always will be. So let it grow long." He stated, his voice not presumptuous or harsh at all.

His grandmother faced her grandson once again, a pleased smile easing its way onto her lips. "Now you look like you're all grown up and proper."

"Indeed." The young Emperor said, a small sigh leaving his lips.

"That was pathetic. Is that how the Emperor of Intuuin speaks?" She smacked him over the head with the wooden cane held in her hands, causing him to flinch and rub his side. "Alright, alright!" He yelled defensively, his side now stinging in pain.

"Ah, what a baby we have as Emperor. I'm going to continue training you long and hard until you can rightfully rule Intuuin. Now go, they are awaiting your presence. Go make your grandmother proud." She urged him on to the large, wooden doors.

"Of course, grandmother." The Emperor reassured her before taking in a deep breath and walking forward. His face was less slim than it would be in the future. All his features at the current moment in time seemed so childish and carefree. Despite his youthful and childlike appearance, nobody could miss the sorrow that sunk into those red eyes.

The guards opened the doors, and the young Emperor stepped into the garden to be met with four royal assistants who were going to serve him for the rest of his life. The first one was wearing a boring grey yukata that contrasted with his bright yellow hair and eyes. The second one had finely-cut black hair and black eyes, he donned a black yukata and appeared like quite the enigma. The third one had light brown hair that just begun to grow past his ears and white eyes. He wore a pink yukata and earrings, signifying that he was a fan of the latest trends and had no opposition to dressing up like a female. Finally, the last one had neatly-cut, light blue hair and striking purple eyes. He wore a dark blue yukata and stood straight and tall with pride. His eyes and face were slim, and he seemed much more mature than the others for their age.

"I come from the Eli family, your majesty. I pledge to assist you until the day I die. You may call me Eli. I am sixteen years old and honoured to serve you as the first assistant." The young first assistant said, revealing the crown of his blonde head as he bowed down.

"I come from the Kang family, your majesty. I pledge to assist you until the day I die. You may call me Eugene Kang. I am seventeen years old and honoured to serve you as the second assistant." The young second assistant spoke straight after, his dark appearance hiding his excitement as he bowed.

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