𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 11

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The red rays of sunshine from the rising sun gently crept into the Emperor's bedroom as he snoozed in silence. The room was large and round, though a rectangle interrupted its circular walls in the middle to form an indentation: wherein could be found a king-size bed and advanced space, granting it easier access. Grand, translucent ivory curtains hid the aforementioned indentation on either side, tied back with a thick golden rope hanging on a knob shaped as a ¹ gilded flower.

The walls had an extravagant wallpaper showcasing bamboo and white flowers, with of course hints of gold to symbolise the bedroom's owner's high status. The Emperor's bed was white for the most part: its only inconstancies being the silver trimming and the red leaves placed upon the duvet cover as decoration. He preferred his room not to look extremely grand, for he found it to become readily overwhelming. He rather liked the idea of white as the main attraction: it was soft on his eyes, and even more so after a long day of disquieting work. He couldn't possibly fathom showing his room off to anybody, either way: his reserved tendencies always caught up to him. All those rumours labelling him as quite the playboy were untrue, spread only by women who were angry at him for not taking any interest in them despite their many, almost repetitive, efforts.

The sliding doors were the flaming colour of wine, another ¹ gilded symbol of the kingdom painted onto them. The floor was a pure frosted marble, and part of the wall was mostly just windows; however, the curtains hid the spectacular views which sprouted from them.

A soft yet magical sound of a bell ringing came from outside his door, giving him a mellow waking. He groaned slightly and rolled around in the sheets, letting a pillow or two thump onto the floor. He stretched and squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as he could, before softly opening them to the new day. Groaning anew, he sat up on the edge of the bed and bent over to touch his toes.

The pale robe he wore was loosely held over his body by a matching strap of cloth. An indefinite gap between each of its sides revealed the man's chest and collarbone.

"Tell imperial grandmother I say good morrow.." He ordered one of the many butlers waiting outside. The butler did not respond and with rehearsed simplicity headed to his grandmother's quarters. After all, nobody was meant to answer the Emperor unless expected to by him or during a conversation.

He then proceeded to stand up, his toes turning slightly pink from the cold of the marble beneath his feet. Regardless of this, the young male still refused to put on his slippers. "Schedule." He remarked, inducing his first assistant Eli to enter through the doors in his usual moss green outfit. His golden locks were neat, and his eyes full of excitement for the oncoming day.

"This morning at six, Via Resniyi has requested a new meeting with your majesty. I have already declined the offer in your stead, as we all know how you planned to answer it. Rather, you are to meet with president Ezio Hermuu of the Yunoaiu University hospital to discuss the opening of the hospital as well as healthcare for the people. It is set to be one of the most prestigious hospitals with the most notable medical management. President Hermuu also thinks your decision to grant free healthcare to those who may struggle to pay for it is a magnificent idea and wishes to discuss what its qualifying points are. Next, at eight in the morning, you will have breakfast with your grandmother and, at nine, move on with tea in the general's company to converse of the black snake group. Following that, at eleven until two in the afternoon, you are to organise events and complete any paperwork required. You will later have lunch with Sir Kirayo to address the incident. From then onwards, you are to do paperwork until one in the morning." Eli perfected his brief schedule of the monarch's rough day ahead.

"Tell Lady Resniyi that if she is to contact me ever again, I will not hesitate to strip her or her family of their title." The Emperor stated dispassionately before Eli's swift withdrawal from the room. He proceeded to change into his usual black and red outfit, with only a slight variation from the one he'd worn the preceding day.

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