𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 9

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"God fucking damn it!" A young man roared from the shadows. The finely built man's sweat shimmered in the sunlight, as he was without a shirt. He wore baggy, black pants and a dark blue belt around his waist, keeping them up. Despite his charming physique and undercut, wavy grey hair, the most notable thing about the man was the large black tattoo of a snake that extended all around his chest. Slamming his fist onto the table, a young lady jumps several feet into the air with fright instilled into her body from her master's anger.

  The young maiden had straight, clean cut blonde hair that ended at her jawline. She wore fairly large, round glasses and was wearing a cloak over what seemed like a royal maid uniform.

  "How did information of us breaking into the palace leak out? Answer me now, Rena!" He yells with a raspy voice before his hands grab his face. He sighs heavily, appearing extremely frustrated as his hands slithered into his locks of hair.

  "I'm sorry sir, I really don't kno-" The blonde woman is cut off by the man kicking a neglected, wooden chair that broke apart upon impact, due to its ancient age.

  "That is bullshit! I'm tired of you vermin screwing up my plans. This is the reason why father refuses to hand the black snake organisation to me, you fool! Please, give me some good fucking news. Yippee kay yay, did you get any information?" He interrogates, his voice becoming more calm. He sits atop the map of Intuuin that was spread out across a large, square table.

  "I-I'm afraid not sir. They only let me start yesterday. However, I'm able to hear the emperor's daily schedule as I'm required to wait outside of his office in the morning in case anything needs cleaning or fixing as soon as possible. I'm a useless errand girl. I mean, how wise can those fools in the palace be if they are blind in the mind enough to put a new recruit right next to the emperor's office? Yet they say they're taking extra measures to ensure everybody's safety. If you-" The blonde woman is cut off once again by the man, filled with rage once again.

  "God's sake! I didn't ask for your opinion, now did I? Now, listen here." The man says, grabbing the collar of the woman's dark cloak and pulling her towards him, their face now several inches away. "If you can get me some information worth my time, I'll treat you to something lovely." He whispers to her, kissing her ear before dropping her away from him. Truly, the man seemed immensely like a playboy.

  "Eugene, I love you!" The woman exclaims all of a sudden as his back was turned to her. She called out his name, her heart pounding like mad from just that mere kiss on her ear alone, just the fact that their skin had brushed together was enough to send her going into hysteria for the man.

  "Rule number 65. Don't address me by my birth name." The man hisses, taking a gun out from the holster that rested on his belt, and clicking it before turning around and quickly shooting her straight between the eyes. Her eyes were wide as she fell onto her knees, the life and soul bleeding out of her.

  "I hope your twin sister can do better than you. Truly, you've disappointed me Rena." Eugene says, getting down on one knee and holding her chin. "My, your beauty. I nearly feel bad for what I've done. However, you knew fully well when you joined us that even if a minor rule is broken, you will face death." Eugene reminds here, a dark chuckle rolling off of his pink tongue before he pecks her lips and releases her chin, allowing her nearly lifeless body to collapse face forward onto the ground, drowning in a pool of blood as he exits through a rusty and ferrous metal door.

  "Clean up this mess. Make sure nobody knows she's gone. Not even that damn Vena. If she finds out, she won't be productive when it comes to her job." Eugene orders the buff man by the door before licking Rena's blood off of his lips. "Just her luck." He murmurs, advancing towards a silver, metal door. Two buff men stood either side of the door in an entirely, plain black uniform. One of them hold a black, silk dress shirt which Eugene slips out of the man's grip and around his body. Buttoning up the shirt, once he was finished, he nodded to the guards.

𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝. ( Yandere x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now