The Danger Begins

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Seven Years Ago

A young, hopeless girl walks along the concrete path in a pair of worn out shoes. Her hair was tangled like a rats nest and her face was covered in dirt, the only thing covering her body was a thin laced dress that was tattered and dirty.

Her name was Arabella and she was homeless, her parents left her when she was a baby and she has been stranded on the streets since then. No parental figure to help her grow up; she had to do it all on her own. A small tear escapes one of her brown eyes and she shivers as a cold breeze blows by her body. She freezes in her tracks and holds her arms close to her petite frame as she sits down by a building. The streets were empty besides a few cars the drove by now and then. It was Winter and only a few days till Christmas, but Arabella didn't care she knew she would be alone for Christmas again.

Every year, Arabella spends her Christmas in the freezing cold and snow all by herself. She almost froze to death last year, but she survived. Arabella didn't ask to be abandoned by her biological parents but that's what happened and she can't reverse time. She blames herself for her parents leaving and wonders what she did to make them leave her.

Arabella continues to sit in the freezing cold temperature until she hears a small crash down the nearby alleyway, she jumps with fear and immediately gets up. Arabella hesitates before going to investigate the odd noise. She peaks her head down the alleyway and sees two older, scary men with ski masks on; Arabella retreats and freezes.

She sneakily starts to make a break for it but she felt a hand on her shoulder. She squeals as she is turned around to be met by the two men.

Her hearts begins to pound and she gulps.

"Where do you think you're going, girly?" One of them asks and she was too scared to respond. "Aren't you a cute young lady."

The two men smirk at her and she tries to run but she is too weak and they both grab her arms.

"Don't try to escape, little one. It will only make it worse." The other one smirks and she tries her best not to cry.

"Please leave me alone." She begs and they chuckle at her plead.

"It will be over soon."

As they were about to carry Arabella, a young adult interferes they assault.

"Excuse me, I don't think you should be touching that young girl."

All three of them freeze and look up to see a muscular man in a red and blue suit with a mask on.

"Captain Man!" The two men gasp and drop the girl, who yelps as she makes contact with the sidewalk.

Captain Man shoots the two men with his lasers as they were distracted by his presence. Arabella scrabbles over to Captain Man and her holds her close to him, keeping her warm. The two men pass out and fall to the ground.

Arabella hugs Captain Man close and let's out a tiny cry. Captain Man notices her attire and look before squatting down to her level to speak to her.

"It's okay, you're safe now."

Arabella looks at Captain Man with fear in her little brown eyes. He could see the fear and torture she has been through, he felt a connection with the six-year-old girl.

Arabella felt herself grin at the superhero and her grinned back.

"Thank you." She squeaked out and nods.

"Just doing my job." He shrugs. "What is your name?"

"Arabella." She says and lets out a breath.

Captain Man's Daughter (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now