Beauty and The Bully

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Arabella's POV

You're weird.

You're too skinny

Henry's dating you out of pity

Gain some weight, skinny freak

Ever heard of makeup?

It's been over a month since I've received the note in my locker, and the bullying has gotten worse. It's gone from notes in my locker, to finding notes in my bag, and somehow this person got my phone number. Throughout each day, I receive incredibly rude messages from this anonymous person and it's absolutely awful.

Charlotte's the only one who knows the whole story behind this and she is livid about it. Not only about this unknown bully, but also that I haven't told Henry or anyone else.

I want to, but I want to figure this out on my own. I'm independent and want to resolve this situation on my own, even if I do need actual help.

I literally have no idea who this bully is, but I'm determined to figure out who it is. It just bothers me, because I did nothing wrong and this person just decided to pick on me. What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment.

I get it, I'm weird and have a quirky and strange personality, but I don't see a reason to bully someone who's different. I get picked on for being myself and that's wrong.

I wish I could ignore this problem and wait for it to go away, but this is real life and that can't physically happen. This isn't a television show.

I was sat in Charlotte's room and we were discussing my problem. She was pacing around her room, thinking of ways to solve it without telling Henry or anyone else. She hated it, because all her plans involved Henry, Jasper, or my dad, but I told her not to.

"Bella, this is impossible." Charlotte groaned, finally stopping her pacing and sitting down on her bed. "We don't have any proof on who is sending these stupid notes. It'd be easy if we had more people to help us out-"

"No." I interrupt and lay down on her other bed that I was using. "This is my problem, I need to solve it."

"You've been saying that for over a month and look where we are?" Charlotte asked me and I shifted my eyes to her. "Nowhere!"

"I see that, but it takes time to solve mysteries." I reasoned.

"But this is serious." Charlotte protested. "This is about you and your life. It's affecting you, Bella."

"You don't know that." I remark and turn over to my side.

"When did you start wearing makeup?" She asked me and I flipped back over to face Charlotte.

"I've always worn makeup."

"You wore mascara, but ever since you've gotten those notes, you've been wearing a lot more." Charlotte reasoned and motioned to my face. "Eyeshadow, eye liner, concealer, foundation, blush, lips gloss, you never wore any of that. You said it took to much effort to put on any makeup for less than twelve hours a day, it's a waste of time. Now look at you."

I looked down at the quilt of the bed and sighed. She's right, I've been wearing too much makeup for one opinion that doesn't matter.

"I'm surprised Henry hasn't noticed the change."

"Henry doesn't like to point out stuff like that." I reasoned.

"He will point it out, if this gets worse and he asks you about why you're changing." Charlotte argued and I sat up to confront her, but she continued to talk. "Henry adores you and doesn't want you to change. None of us do, this is just one opinion and it shouldn't affect you and how you look or act."

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