Man of The House

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Arabella's POV

"Ray! Bella! Hurry up!"

My dad and I walked over to Gooch who was messing with a chair with a machine attached to it.

"Yes, Gooch?"

"What's up, Gooch?"

"Look at this antique chair I got." He beamed and my dad and I stared at it.

"Okay." We both said.

"It is one of the very first vibrating massage chairs ever made!"


"Will one of you help me fix it up so I can relax my back?" Gooch asked.

"No." We both deny and Henry walks into the store.

"Hey, guys." He greeted.

"Hello, Henry." Gooch greeted.

"Hi, Hen." I smile and my dad stopped him.

"Whoa, I didn't think you were working today." My dad objected.

"I'm not, but I got to go downstairs and check the crime computer. There's been a purse snatching." Henry informed us and I scoffed.

"Oh, just file a police report." My dad dismisses.

"Who got her purse snatch?" Gooch asks.

"My mom." Henry replied.

"Your mom?" My dad asked, suddenly interested. "Wait, what happened? Is she okay? Was she hurt? What happened? Is she okay?"

"Really, dad?" I asked with disbelief.

"Why are you so interested in his mom?" Gooch asked.

"Have you seem his mom?" My dad answers and turns back to Henry. "We've got to help her."

"Dad, I'm sure Henry's father is taking good care of her." I assured my dad.

"Nah, my dad's out of town." Henry informed and I roll my eyes.

"Of course, there's more to the story." I complain.

My dad grabbed Henry's shirt and pulled him close. "He's out of town?!"

"Yeah, but I can handle things." Henry reasoned.

"No you can't!" My dad scoffed and took out his gum.

"Why can't I?" Henry asked.

"You're but a boy!" My dad remarked and popped a gum in his mouth.

"Maybe but I'll almost 14 years old, and I've been your sidekick long enough that I can- He's just leaving while I'm talking." Henry rambles as my dad rushes out of the store. "Does he do that to you?"

I chuckle. "Everyday."

Gooch looked at us. "This chair vibrates."

"Okay." Henry shrugged.

"Oh boy." I muttered and walked away.


The following day, my dad told me that he as gonna stay with the Hart family until they capture the man who stole Mrs. Hart's purse. Of course, I was a little sad about it, because Saturday is usually the day my dad and I watch movies all night long, but it's no big deal. It's not like it's our special daddy daughter time or anything.

I'm totally cool with my dad staying with Henry and his family.

I know my dad likes Henry's mom, but if his mom and dad divorce and I become Henry's sister, I'm gonna need to talk to my dad. I don't want to be Henry's sister, I just don't.

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