Henry and the Bad Girl Part 2

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Arabella's POV

My dad followed Henry to the Swellview sign to catch the female Wall Dog. We have a plan that Henry is in on and my dad will return without him, but it's all part of this master plan to catch the Wall Dogs.

Charlotte and I were both waiting for my dad to return. I wasn't worried because my dad can't be injured and Henry would not seriously try to hurt him or any of us.

The alarm blared and Charlotte and I looked up to see my dad had come back. My dad was all dirty and was furious.

"How'd it go?" Charlotte asked him.

"Not great." He gritted through his teeth as he marched forward.

"Well, what happened?" I asked him. "And why are you all dirty?"

"Because I just want tumbling down a giant mountain!" He exclaimed. "And a mountain is basically one big pile of dirt in the shape of a mountain." My dad sat down and immediately typed on the monitor. "We've got to locate Henry. Schwoz!"

"SCHWOZ!" Charlotte and I yelled.

"Thanks for that." My dad said and we glanced at him.

"What, what? I was in the shower."

We turned to see Schwoz with a pink towel around his waist and had shampoo in his hair.

"Come help us locate Henry." My dad instructed him and Schwoz waddled over to us. Charlotte and I moved back, so we wouldn't get touched by him.

"Why, what happened?"

"I put the secret tracking device on him but it's not finding the location." My dad informs Schwoz and I see on the screen that it was unable to locate Henry.

"Move. You don't know anything." Schwoz slaps my dad, who moves and they slap each other a few times before Schwoz sits down.

We all cringed in disgust when we see Schwoz's hairy and half shaved back, causing me to gag lightly.

"So, where is he?" My dad asked Schwoz, who was locating Henry.

"It takes time to triangulate his location." Schwoz argues.

I heard a pig oinking and we turn to see Schwoz's pig run out.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Schwoz called and she waddles away.

I forgot that Schwoz has a pig.

"You were in the shower with your pig?" I asked Schwoz.

"She has to get clean, too." Schwoz protested.

Schwoz continues to search for Henry, but he was having trouble finding him. The three of us were getting worried for Henry.

"Why can't you find Henry?" I asked Schwoz with irritation.

"I told you! It takes time!" Schwoz protested.

"Time is the one thing we don't have!" My dad exclaimed. "Well, time and machines that poop gold. We also don't have those."

Suddenly, the signal was lost and this shocked us.

"What happened?" My dad asked Schwoz.

"I lost Henry's signal!"

"Oh no..." I sighed and put my hands on my head.


Charlotte and I rushed over to Henry's house to ask his family or anyone else if they have seen Henry. We ran in and accidentally hit a body with the door and we see Sidney laying on the floor with a gigantic, swollen hand.

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