Phony Valentine

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Arabella's POV

"No, I will not go to Club Soda with you." I denied Henry, walking by him.

"Oh, come on! Bella!" Henry pleads and I sigh at his desperate attitude. "It's just for one night and then that's it."

Valentine's Day was tomorrow and Henry was begging me to go to Club Soda with him, but he only wanted to take me so he can make Bianca jealous. Bianca is a girl he likes, but she was going with Mitch Bilsky.

"Okay, here's the problem." I turn to him. "You're only asking me me because you want to make Bianca jealous and I hate that."

"Why?" He asked and I roll my eyes.

"Girls don't like being used to make other girls jealous." I explain to him with bitterness.

"I'm not using you."

"Then why are you asking me?"

He stuttered over his words and I groaned, walking away.

"Because you're my friend?!"

"Sure. Whatever."

I waved him off and ignored his calls.

Listen, I don't have a problem with going with Henry to Club Soda, but if it's just to use me then I will be upset. Henry's a nice guy, but this a huge jerk move. He's my friend, but he obviously doesn't see me as one. I might be overreacting, but I've never had a true interaction with any boy, so I don't have this all works.

I'm trapped in the Man Cave all the time. My dad doesn't let me leave often, he only lets me leave if he's with me. He's given me a bit more leeway thankfully, but he's still protective.

Maybe he's protecting me from guys who use me to make other girls jealous.


The following day was Valentine's Day and all I was gonna do was watch Friends and stuff my face. My dad had a date with Henry's teacher Miss Shapen tonight. I was shocked to hear that, but Henry begged my dad to ask her out so he can get a better grade.

Once again, he's using my dad to get a good grade on his tested he failed.

Wow, Henry.

It's been three hours since I started watching Friends and I was getting very tired. I've seen this show so much, it's basically a part of me. I was almost falling asleep when I heard a knock on my door and I sat up.

I looked at my phone and it was almost midnight. My dad told me was gonna go shower after his date and then go to sleep, so I don't know who it was. I stood up from my bed and and opened the door to see Henry standing there.


"Hey, Bella. Can we talk?"

I was confused and folded my arms. "I thought you were at Club Soda?"

"I was, but then Tiffany went crazy and attacked Mitch, so I had to be Kid Danger and take her down." He explained to me with a sheepish grin. "Yeah..."

Oh yeah, Henry took Schwoz's shape-shifting android to the club.

"Okay, but why are you here?" I asked him and he sighed, putting his hand out for me.

"Just follow me." He said and gave me pleading eyes.

"Fine." I took his hand and he lead me downstairs. "If this is an apology, than I don't want to hear-" I paused when I walked into the main room and saw a fancy date sat up. "It...."

Henry let my hand go and approached the table. I slowly followed him and was horribly confused. "What the? Henry?"

"Bella, I'm so sorry for almost 'using' you. I didn't mean for it to sound like that." He apologized and gestures to the table. "So, to make up for it, I asked you dad and he allowed me to used his set up for his date with my teacher."

"But, what about Bianca?" I asked and leaned on the couch.

"I actually left early and asked Charlotte to tell her I got really sick." Henry informed me. "After I took Tiffany down, I brought her back here and talked to Ray."

He chose me over Bianca?

"You chose me over Bianca?"

He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I wouldn't say that."

I stood there and Henry coughs lightly as he continues. "Okay...I did, but that's only because you're my friend and I care about you. And your dad would kill me if I hurt you."

"That's true." I pointed out at the last part and he chuckles. "But Hen, this wasn't necessary, it really wasn't."

"So, you want me to leave and just forget this?" He asked.

"Oh, no, we're eating." I deny him. "You did all this and I'm not leaving until I'm satisfied." He smiles and I sit down at the table. "But, it wasn't a big deal."

"To me it was." Henry reasons and sits on the other side. "You're one of my best friends, Bella, and I never not want you in my life."

I smiled softly at him. "Good, because you aren't getting rid of me." He chuckles and I continued. "But, you are my best friend and I'm glad you're in my life."

He smiles at me and plays some music. He stands up and offers his hand, causing my eyes to grow.

"Wanna dance?"

"I don't dance."

"To bad." He remarks and pulls me onto my feet. I sigh and slow dance with Henry. It felt awkward because were best friends and I don't see him any different.



"This is weird."

"Just enjoy the moment." He argues with a smile and I giggle, rolling my eyes.

The music softly played in my ears and it calmed me down. I was wrong, Henry is not a jerk, he's a great person and Bianca is lucky to have him. If they start dating that is.

Sometimes I feel frozen
And the words I say

Henry gave me a sweet smile and I returned it.

You carry my breath the wrong way
But when I touch you and I disappear

I leaned my head against his shoulder as we swayed to the music and he held me closer.

Safe in your arms you take me

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad and he was smiling at us. I gave him a smile and he winked at me, before retreating upstairs.

Cause you are meant for me...


Okay, this is the first real Henbella fluff and more fluff like this won't happen for awhile. I'm sorry, but I'm waiting awhile until they start to get feelings for each other.

Enjoy this moment, kids😘🙃

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