Indestructible Henry

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Arabella's POV

"Oh, this is all my fault! Aw, I mean if it wasn't for me this never would've happen to Henry." My dad groaned with worry as Schwoz examined Henry's body for any damaged body parts. My dad and Henry went to a clock store to stop a C-5 Disrupter that was planted somewhere in the store and they needed to disarm it. They did not prevail and it blew the whole store up. It wouldn't be as bad if Henry wasn't inside it and it exploded. Now Henry is injured and my dad is concerned about his sidekick.

I'm freaking worried about Henry. I hope he's not seriously injured, I don't want to lose him. He's my best friend.

Best friend...

"I caused this. I'm to blame!" My dad exclaimed.

"Yeah." Charlotte and I agreed.

"Okay, does that hurt?" Schwoz asked as he scanned Henry's back.

"Nah. It tickles." Henry giggles and Schwoz smiled.

"I know, I do it to myself sometimes."

"Come on, Schwoz! You've been examining Henry for twenty minutes!" I berate Schwoz. "Will you say something?"

"Will you and Charlotte order me a corn beef sandwich?" Schwoz asked and Henry laid back down and I rubbed his back.

"Schwoz!" My dad snapped.


"Is Henry gonna be okay?" My dad asked with worry.

"I think so." Schwoz said.

"Oh, thank god!" My dad sighed with relief.

"Yay." I smile.

"I'll take a tuna salad on whole wheat." My dad ordered me and Charlotte.

"Hey." Charlotte and I say.


"We're not getting anybody any sandwichs!" Charlotte yelled.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt, but my butt still hurts!" Henry interrupted, pointing to his butt.

My dad snickered.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"He said 'but my butt." My dad laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Now Henry, pull your knees forward a bit." Schwoz instructed and Henry did that.


Schwoz began to scan his butt.

"Now try to wiggle your hips."

Henry began to wiggle his hips.

"More wiggle."

"More?" Henry asked, stopping and Schwoz lowered the scanning device.

"Yeah. Wiggle them like you're a hula dancer, trying really hard to get a hula job." Schwoz explained and started to scan his butt again. Henry wiggles his butt really hard and we heard a snap.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Henry cries and grabbed his butt.

Charlotte and I went up to Schwoz, who was thinking because he put his glasses on.


"Henry has a dislocated buttock." Schwoz declared and we turned to the sidekick.

"What?" Henry said.

"Well, how do we fix him? It! You know, the buttock!" My dad frantically asked.

"You and Bella grab his ankles. Charlotte and I will grab his wrists." Schwoz instructed and we followed his orders. My dad and I grabbed Henry's ankles, while Schwoz and Charlotte grabbed his wrists.

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