Part 5

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Andy went out of the front door and looked down, he saw a pebble and started kicking it. He heard someone come out of the house next door and when he looked up it was Rebecca. She looked a bit upset so he decided not to bother her. But instead Rebecca called Andy’s attention and asked if he has anything to do for the next two hours.

He said none and asked why she asked. She said she needed company to go buy a dress for prom and Andy said that he thought she had a dress already in gold. Rebecca was surprised he knew. Seeing her confused face, Andy said he just overheard as he was passing by. Rebecca didn’t comment but she said she only said that she had a gold dress because her friends already had dresses and she hadn’t, so she asked Andy again if he could go with her. Andy said he can, he just has to let his mother know he’s going out for a while.

Rebecca said she’ll wait outside, and as Andy stepped into the house he noticed his mom was in the living room and before he could ask permission she already said yes. Andy whined at his mother for eavesdropping on them and then left the house. They called a cab and left towards the city.

They walk down the sidewalks, looking through the glass windows and the displays if there was anything good. They went in a couple of stores but found none. In every store they enter Andy is just keeping his head low and just follows Rebecca around.

She would often ask for his opinion and most of the time he’d go for thumbs down. Some are just too sexy, too much skin, while some are just a drag. None of the dresses fit her right; none of it looked good on her.

So they went to another store, as Rebecca was searching on the racks of dresses Andy walked around the store for a while. He was playing with his lucky coin that he brought with him everywhere he went. He tossed it over his hand and when he didn’t catch it, it fell to the floor and rolled on the tiles. When it finally came to a stop he picked it up and when he looked up from where he was standing was a beautiful gold dress. It was covered in glitters, small stones and everything shiny you can put on a dress.

He took the dress back to Rebecca and asked her to try it on. She looked at it for a while and she asked where he found it and he said he found it by chance. She quickly brought the dress to the dressing room and Andy followed.

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